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RE: A Tale As Old As Time.....

in #cannabis3 years ago

But can you try and make it go herm, so you can get seeds from it, that are 100% the same genetics as the original seed you started with?

In other words, is it possible to go from a single seed to a bag full of identical seeds, by intentionally herming it and pollinating itself, kinda like I did with that Steem OG last year?


Oh yeah I could, if I get colidiol silvers spray, at least I think that’s what it’s called. I’ll have to look into selfing it, it would be a great one to do. But I still might want to work it up more before doing that

Cool, just wondering if that's possible. Genetics/breeding plants is pretty amazing. You can get good at the basics and yet still have a lot to learn. There are nuances and little skills to be picked up. It could take a lifetime!