Female identified... The beginning of our homegrown diary

in #cannabis β€’ 8 months ago

Good morning to everyone! I could hardly wait to make this post. With your help we have identified a female plant!πŸ‘πŸ€ΈπŸŽ‰


I'm looking forward to making updates on her. And asking lots of questions!

I'm going to go ahead and apologize right now for NOT Knowing where we're at with this plant. Far as how many days, what strain etc. We found some seeds in a sack we'd bought (not from a dispensary). And thought we'd try our luck. (Didn't Mark a calendar🀦🀷πŸ€ͺ)

What I do know is this plant struggled in the beginning.😳 It was broke somehow as a sprout.πŸ«£πŸ˜– We stuck the stem back down in the dirt, kept it watered and it grew to our amazement😲😎
I'm glad now that we didn't give up on her,as she was the only femaleπŸ€ͺπŸŽ‰


Anyways, if y'all's expert eyes see anything that we need to do, please let me know! (Pruning tips etc) We're clueless here on growing weed plants. Which is kinda sad I guess since I've smoked pot for the last 40 years. Never too old to learn tho πŸ€—πŸ˜ŽπŸƒπŸ₯°

And with that in mind..I would like to thank all those who help me identify the plants yesterday on my other post.
Especially to @futuremind, who was so encouraging and offered lots of tips.πŸ€—πŸ₯°


Looking great @rachaeldwatson!

That is a cool story about how she was almost lost from a stem break in the beginning but pulled through to turn into the healthy girl she is today!

She is looking happy as can be to me and at this point in the season in that size container, pruning or topping might not be the best option. She doesn't have bushy foliage and probably would not benefit from having any removed, so I would just let that girl grow!

Thanks for the shout out, I'm super happy I was able to help you identify the female and feel encouraged about the process!
Do you have drainage holes drilled in that bucket?

Yes, there's holes in the bottom of the bucket. I'm not sure he should have but he trimmed the top out I think? πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ§ Can't remember🀦πŸ€ͺ but nothing recently.
Right now she's enjoying the full sun sitting in the garden with my purplehull peas πŸ€—
Also, my pleasure for the shout out you were so very helpfulπŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―

That's good there's holes. It will help with drainage and airflow to the root system.

No big deal if he trimmed the top off, but I think I wouldn't put scissors to this girl again (at least for now). After the plant goes through its stretch phase she might need some defoliation but it's hard to know just yet.

Overall she's looking great. I don't think there's any pH problem and watering can continue on as it has been.

A general rule of thumb is that cannabis plants tend to get thirstier as they grow a larger more robust root system. In early vegetation the plant hardly needs much watering in the first four weeks. Sometimes it may not even been necessary to water for up to a week or longer, but once she's a full grown plant with a full root system, she could be taking as much as two watering's daily. Much of it depends on the size of the container vs size of the plant, and cannabis plants like a relatively large pot. That bucket is decent size and should support her through flowering just fine.

It's a 5 gal bucket. We started her off in a water bottle, and moved to larger containers twice. Each time buying her stem a little deeper. If she's like the 2 makes we pulled her root system is awesome!
I wish now I would have snapped a picture of the male I pulled. The "ball" was around the size of a medium (kids size) soccer ball with roots dangling down almost a foot! And that's only what I pulled up .. There's were a few that were Tangled and broke/left in the bucket. 😁

Five gallons is big enough. Five gallons is about the smallest size pot that should be used for cannabis. I use seven gallon fabric pots and sometimes use five gallon fabric pots as well, but anything smaller than that the roots are going to become bound.

It's not surprising the roots were dangling down because cannabis likes to shoot its tap root down deep and long, and the fact that you had long dangling roots means those plants are loving the soil and water they are getting.

The plant I'm growing in a seven gallon fabric pot is five feet tall and she started busting roots through the fabric pot at the start of flowering and she's been continuing to try to shoot new roots through still. The roots end up dying and shriveling off where they shoot out, but ultimately that tells me my monster plants would like an even bigger pot πŸ˜…

Oh wow! What a nice problem to have hehe! I do have a couple other pots that might be larger. But I'm thinking it's too late to transplant at this point huh?

I would say it's not too late but probably not necessary. I think that pot is good enough to finish her cycle. Sorry about the slow responses, have had a busy past few days.

That was all solid advice.