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RE: Day 10 - Shooting the rapids of the Shoalhaven River

in #canoeing6 years ago

I never said it was shit. I said little people cared about it. Maybe that means your followers expect different content. I don't know.

What I do know is the service I built was used to resteem this post via my account as well as three others and you were given a vote directly from the msp3k service.

The way Steem works is people that invest more or earn more in the system have a larger effect and vote weight. I invested quite a bit into Steem. How much have you purchased and powered up?

So coming at me like I am not giving my fair share to the community is beyond ridiculous to me. I also spend a lot of my time programming and building on Steem. I also host several services that cost me monthly to maintain. All of this to repeat the fact that Steem does not exactly favor what is "fair" for everyone.

When I first started on Steem I got zero votes or traction on my posts. I eventually purchased enough SP to get myself noticed while still creating content for my followers. Eventually the followers became organic and I didn't have to worry so much about powering up to self vote. It isn't easy to "make it" on Steem. But I don't know how much money you would have earned on Reddit or Facebook ....


yeah i think my problem was, that i thought an awesome post would reach the masses straight away. in hindsight, i should have gained a following, and THEN put out my better content. oh well, live and learn :)

after getting some advice, im now working a little harder. hopefully, now I have over 500 followers, there'll be a bit more interest in my works. sorry, i got so snarky, i was having a bad day, with some of the drama that has unfolded in the past month.

doesnt make it right. i believe i owe u an apology.

and to answer the how much did i buy in, all i could afford at the time, which was $3k
alas, with the current down trend in btc price, and some loans to people i thought i could rely on, im at half that.

oh well, as the old aussie saying goes. 'such is life'

It's all good. No hard feelings. I was snarky too lol.

Social media is a very weird place to try to understand. I am getting there slowly but a lot of my early work was ignored too!