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RE: ...

in #capitalism6 years ago

Where he goes too far is in definitively associating greed & corruption in general with capitalism, even going as far to get multiple holy men to say "capitalism is evil."

People need to understand what capitalism is - and is not. (and more importantly the guise of communism).

Communism is the centralized means of production.
Business run on capital to produce.
Central banks are the means of production of capital.

We are living in a communist system disguised as capitalism. Hence the reason why is breaks down. It's fundamentally flawed.

There is no real capitalism without free markets, and there are no free markets when a central bank decides the value of money.
(then throw in government regulation and corruption to ease the transition to full blown communism without the disguise. UN, NWO....)

It is essentially that simple, and this why it has to be covered inlayers of legalese, and made as complex as possible.

If people saw how simple it really was, we wouldn't be living in the idiocy we now find ourselves in..

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Whoa. Very interesting perspective.

Provides reasonable confirmation we’re on track with the decentralization movement...

I took me 15 years to realize the massive con that we have been under. (for around 200 years).

As for the model I offered... I can see no evidence that doesn't run in with it.

The federal reserve, communism, and The league of nations (the UN v.1) came into existence within 7 years of each other..( the Bolshevik revolution was funded my American and German banks..)
Russia was trial run.

Then they realized fooling the people with propaganda (free market capitalism)was a much better way to make a one world government, rather than killing millions in gulags, or starving millions to death. (that comes later in the new model)
Think Apple, facebook, and google - 3 companies with so much power- is a pretty centralized power - even as it stands now.
Shift the three companies to labels of 'UN utility products' or something, and what do we have? - Communism.

We were fooled with labels, while the agenda continued behind the scenes, and has never stopped...

Decentralization is the only answer to leave the debt slavery system behind.