
I took me 15 years to realize the massive con that we have been under. (for around 200 years).

As for the model I offered... I can see no evidence that doesn't run in with it.

The federal reserve, communism, and The league of nations (the UN v.1) came into existence within 7 years of each other..( the Bolshevik revolution was funded my American and German banks..)
Russia was trial run.

Then they realized fooling the people with propaganda (free market capitalism)was a much better way to make a one world government, rather than killing millions in gulags, or starving millions to death. (that comes later in the new model)
Think Apple, facebook, and google - 3 companies with so much power- is a pretty centralized power - even as it stands now.
Shift the three companies to labels of 'UN utility products' or something, and what do we have? - Communism.

We were fooled with labels, while the agenda continued behind the scenes, and has never stopped...

Decentralization is the only answer to leave the debt slavery system behind.