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RE: Are you struggling with the steep rise in fuel costs? Is this the time to go EV?

in #cars2 years ago

Hi Annabelle

I was actually thinking about this two days ago. We've had a huge surge in petrol price - I think the last increase was around 10%. The problem here in South Africa is that our country can't keep the electricity grid stable so we have load shedding regularly. I don't see EVs becoming a thing here as a result, it would just be too unreliable. Don't know what's going to give, but something definitely will. Whenever fuel costs go up, the price of everything else follows suit because of the supply chain being hit. It's not a nice situation at the moment.


That's the truth, @andrastia - we are all feeling it at the moment. Honestly, I think it's going to get worse before it gets better...


Hmmm it doesn't bode well for the future, but let's see how it goes. Hopefully there are solutions that can be implemented globally.

Have a lovely day

Thank you, @andrastia - you too!