If Self-Voting is "WRONG" Why Isn't It In the Code?

in #cent2 years ago

There is still some ongoing debate in Hive regarding Self-voting where we have tribe leaders who dislike people who self-vote (even though they are totally fine using alternative accounts to upvote their content). It makes no sense to me...

In Democracy, you can vote for yourself as a president. On social media sites, you can like or upvote your own posts, videos, status, etc. Apparently, it is FROWNED upon on Hive. Yet, if it is SoOoOoOoOo wrong then the "Geniuses" who developed the platform should have been intelligent enough to put the limitations on the platform in code.

If it is NOT in the Code, then it is PERFECTLY fine. That is my position. Just like, if it is not in the law, then people can complain however they want, but you're not going to be arrested for doing a particular action. Personally, I don't think it's about the elites of Hive trying to bring down smaller creators, but I do believe it's about this false sense of moral superiority, or "Hive Etiquette" that only ever seems to be in effect against smaller creators on the platform.

Personally, I think it's bullshit. Put it in the code, and stop debating about it. If it's not in the Code then put your big-boy pants on and shut the fuck up.


How would you feel about someone with about as much HP as I have only voting for themselves?

Does it really matter at the end of the day?
If you're not voting for yourself on this account, you're using a separate account. If not, then it will come from friends/tribe leaders with high HP even if your content doesn't actually contribute anything of value to the chain, other than that it's coming from autovotes.

Do a test right now... You average roughly 800-1200 words per post... Do a 100 Word post and you'll still be making over $5 per post.

We both started Steem at around the same time, in fact, I started before you. There is a Cabal and a group of elites and I'm not a part of them for calling them out.

Just a simple question. Wanted to know how you'd feel about that scenario. Got an answer?

No, I wouldn't care.

Alright. Another question. If you were building your own community or tribe, running it how you see fit, like a business, with a few rules and guidelines, as people do here, then someone came along and broke your rules, would you be okay with that? Just let it slide?

If people want to overly enforce their policies, then that is up to them. Most of the tribes who do end up enforcing their policies harshly end up faltering, just like MarkyMark's Shittoken "STEM".

Either way, the devs pushed the 20% interest on HBD for the exact purpose of decreasing the influence that tokens have on the second-layer chain. It was never meant to stabilize HBD. So just like the main devs on Hive wanted to decrease the power, it's up to them; Just like it was up to Justin Sun to blacklist the former devs of Steem.

Those who hold witness power, and consensus, control the game. My opinion is meaningless, so your questions are just filled with empty stupidity when you know how this chain works.

I'm asking how you would react in that scenario. Got an answer?

You can always make a separate account. This stops nothing.

Yes, I'm aware. No need to keep repeating that.

Try a new account:)

So now you're targeting me?

Why have you guys not implemented anything into the code that would actually benefit the "system" you guys wish to create?

Let's be honest, the developers and Hive "leaders" have been using self-votes for a long time already or have just instead used alternative accounts to fluff up their own posts.

It's been 6 Years that I've been on this platform; You guys STILL haven't implemented ANYTHING that stops self-votes.

Please answer:

  1. Why have you guys done nothing to codify limitations on self-votes on the main chain?
  2. Why do you guys continuously target smaller accounts that bring attention to this even when you guys claim it is in the best interest of the chain to limit these actions/transactions?
  3. Are you willing to come forward with a public livestream on this discussion with me? Or respond with a public video detailing your reasoning?