You must be the change you wish to see in the world. (Gandhi)

in #change29 days ago

I like to complain about other people and what they do and what they don't. If someone does something wrong, then that is the problem. If they don't do anything at all, then that is the problem. If they do something good, then I become jealous.

In other words, it is impossible for other people to please me, and it is impossible for others to do the right thing. So, instead of thinking about everyone else and whether they do something good or bad, then you should start thinking about yourself instead. Are you doing the right thing? Are you creating the change you want to happen in the world? Or do you rather sit on the sideline and debate the actions of those who actually do something?


Football-fans are really wise, they know everything about football, and they can easily tell why the players and the coaches do all sorts of mistakes. Of course, sitting in a good chair it is easy to know everything, but once you get on the pitch, life is different.

So instead of sitting on the sideline complaining, get up and get something done. Be the change you want to see in the world!