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RE: Blockchain Charity account LAUNCHED TODAY: 1st project #helpbali2017

in #charity7 years ago

Great step towards the grander goal of building a Steemit Charity platform. I've upped this and shared it on Twitter at : ~~~ embed:915157879111401472 Keep it up... twitter metadata:Qml0Y29pbnNOR3Jhdnl8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vQml0Y29pbnNOR3Jhdnkvc3RhdHVzLzkxNTE1Nzg3OTExMTQwMTQ3MiBLZWVwIGl0IHVwLi4ufA== ~~~


Awesomeness ;) Thanks again bro!