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in #charlesfuchs6 years ago

A very good, and accurate post, on all accounts. I'm not a writer either, and don't really have good ideas for posts that I think would be worth writing, but I enjoy seeking out the good content on Steemit, then curating and commenting. I haven't invested any cash, yet, but that's only because I've been off of work since July for medical reasons, and just don't have it.

However, I have made a little money from curating, but mostly from author rewards on some of my comments, which I immediately invest back into Steem, and then Power Up. I don't have much in the way of Steem Power, Reputation, or account value...yet, but everything I have is 100% more than I started with!

I see the same people that come here, and I guess believe they should start getting a weekly paycheck after they signup. Starting from nothing requires time to get things going. Personally, as soon as I'm able I plan on investing what money I can in order to give myself a little boost. Until then, I'll keep Upvoting what I value, and offering genuine comments.

If I'm being totally honest however, it is a little disheartening when I see some stupid meme, with one sentence under it that makes $500, just because someone was well known on the platform, and I assume his buddies voted it up. I'm not sure how that can be sustained. If people can use Steemit to print free money, I'm afraid many (most?) people will. I'd hate to see Steemit fail because of greed. :-(

Thanks for your quality posts. You're one of the many that I gladly Upvote.


With every platform, there always will be problems. Just like instagram or FB when you see a girl with a booty shot (not complaining lol) will get thousands of likes while a post with thought and good value will get 5 likes.

I see life like a game, there will always be someone getting more love than most or even more money. Just do the best you can and eventually you will win.

That's how I look at it also. If I didn't like Steemit, or thought the problems would a deal-breaker, I wouldn't be here. Where you have people, you have problems. It's kind o what we do.


Overall, I think Steemit is fantastic! Also, I know that many people have invested cash, some, A LOT of cash! That should count for something. I'm fine taking what I can get, in exchange for offering what value I can. Steemit and I are both moving forward, and that's what matters. I've also only been here like 105 days. I know some people will blog for MUCH longer than that before they make hardly anything, if they ever do.