
It is a worldwide problem. In poorer countries, it runs rampant. Here they call it rent a kid. Kids are being sold on street corners. It used to be better hidden but now in times of revolution, all things are fair game. Including murdering children and college students. Last night there was a children's festival here in the capital. As yet, unnamed agents with AK47's opened fire on the crowd. Many were wounded. As of this morning, the official death toll is 5-or 6 children. And none of this makes the international news let alone the local news. The government has imposed a media blackout.

Not surprised to hear that. Where are you at & where was the shooting?

I live in Nicaragua. The shooting happened in Managua.

I see smaller incidents that happen in certain neighborhoods here that never make it in to the news.

I can’t find any mention of a recent Managua shooting. Only the one from 3 weeks ago. The news is very carefully selected & presented with a specific purpose in mind

You will not find news of what is happening here (unless you read my blogs :) ) There is a media blackout and the governments owns and controls all the media outlets here. Nothing is getting out unless the president gives his okay. Over 500 have been wounded. the death count is in the hundreds but no one knows for sure...

I think it is more probable than not that the same mafia of criminal power controls both of our media’s my friend. Keep spreading the real news, it is very important for people to see what is happening vs what is intentionally reported.

Thank you. I will try. Don't know how long we will have internet...

Just search creepy Biden & you will see what the elites of this country are really like. The highest missing children per capita rate is in DC. The biggest charities redirect money towards trafficking. Research the Red Cross & the Clintons charitable complications in Haiti. Research free mason charities. Many focus on “helping” children who cannot speak & come from difficult backgrounds. Children are commodities to be used in the eyes of the elite. All of it is out in the open now, but they own the 5 big media corporations, so the masses stay hypnotized with spoon fed mk ultra brand heavy metal cereal & flouride water.

The elite literally commit terrorist acts whenever they want, crash planes & take trillions, shoot up a “harvest” festival in front of a black pyramid with multiple shooters. Nothing to see here, folks. Go to work & keep giving them taxes to build more weapons to use against there own people. Maybe one day they will decide to be nice

Well, reading this article was disturbing as all hell.

This number is fairly inaccurate since it represent reported cases of missing children. In my country there was an affair of "stolen babies" where 1500 families claim that their children were taken on their birth. The children would be healthy upon birth and then separated from their mothers for "additional tests".

Then after a few hours the nurses or the doctors would tell parents that their baby didn't survive. When parents tried to deny it they would tell parents that it is normal to deny such things in a state of shock.... And so the babies went missing (not only in my country).

The whole affair was exposed when some of lost children reunited with their parents who took DNA tests and spoke to the media houses. The sad things is that this affair lasted for decades (and maybe it still happens) ...

Great Work. It's sickening and unfathomable but it is going on and needs to stop ASAP. Thank You for caring and helping.