
Sorry, didn't realize you were that new until after I left my post. Here's the thing, this is definitely NOT a viable long term strategy. They will eventually downvote you to dust if they see this happening regularly. There's more than enough success to go around and I'll get my piece whether you do this or not, but, be careful. Downvotes will also ruin your reputation score, which is a very bad thing to have happen.

Thanks a lot, appreciate it! Honestly i thought 25% of the money will go to people that upvotes and comment, but i can see that now. Maybe few SBD will be enough for the next post just to get a higher reputation, but i have to study this platform more.

I think I like you brother. You have a teaching spirit. I like your responces too. Lets spread the gospel right on steemit. Bleesings

Thanks bro!

Reputation comes from replies to your posts and your comments.