Hope in Life

in #christianity7 years ago

Monday...... my 7th most favorite day of the week!!!
Ever feel like that? Yeah, so do I. What is it about Mondays that make us feel that way?
I wish I knew. However, I do know that my attitude about them must change if we are
to win that battle.

There is something about the weekend and its relaxation aspect that figures into it for
sure. But, what if it is something more/

I used to be able to do more travel than I can now, and something that I realized is that
whenever I experienced a particularly "high" point, it would soon be followed by a "low' point.
I began to understand these coincided with spiritual aspects more than anything. I then realized
that this was more than just simple coincidence, it was a battle for my mind being waged by the
enemy of my soul.

Understanding this, I STILL!!! stumble on Mondays because I forgot a precious bit of information
that I gleaned during these times. I was made aware of that today, and I hope that it is my LAST
bad Monday. This tool is simply prayer. This simple prayer asking for the Lord to walk with us
during the day.
As I pondered this, I thought, 'God has more important places to be than in my "messy" world.
Surely He has more important places to be, like the one we prayed about yesterday where a
girl is in danger from being trafficked. From an earthly point of view, the other is MUCH more
vital than mine, and I pray God answers that prayer for her over me. However, that just simply
puts a VERY Large God in a very small box. God cares about me and my situation also.
Further, He cares about YOU, yes YOU, the reader.

So, pray. Ask God to walk with you today and notice the peace in the storm
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