I love the snow of Forbidden City 我爱故宫的雪

in #cn8 years ago (edited)

The weather turns cold, when I take out the clothes of the winter clothes from the cupboard,  for a moment, I think of the snow. As a southern people, although I occasionally see snow, but most of the time the snow did not wait until the fall into the water, with mud and together, into the mud, there is no beauty at all. 

I miss the snow in the north. Few have seen snow in memory, the most beautiful the Imperial Palace or the snow, it was about seven or eight years ago, when the memory of Beijing's haze was not so serious, but in the spring there will be dust, but Beijing's winter is very beautiful, especially the the Imperial Palace is snow.

 The Imperial Palace view of snow in the most beautiful place in the Jingshan Hill where the top on the Forbidden City, with a trend down. Especially the sunny day after snow, through the branches to see blue sky, far from the Forbidden City just like the snow washed clean, spotless.





登上景山,第一反应往往是是:“哇!好大好漂亮!”第二反应是:“哇!这么小!”除了中线的宫殿之间的距离还算宽敞,周围就是一座宫院紧挨着另一座宫院,额-----!  觉得那些明清美女们真是可怜,一辈子都呆在这么个四四方方的地方,惨啊。又觉得这座曾经的权力中心、这座至尊皇宫并不像表面那样漂亮。甄嬛在故宫的雨里帮助了叶澜依,又在故宫的雪中吓疯了富察贵人,还有多少妃子在这里被小产,多少太监被剥夺生育权又去剥夺别人的生命。


非常喜歡第一張照片 :)

