
Hi yousra,

It all depends on your current level in coding.
Personally, I find that the best way to learn new skills (including a new language) is to find one idea - project - that requires this new skills from you and go from there.

I use Google every time I'm looking for something, and see where it leads me. Depending on the specificity of what you're looking for, you might find a nice tutorial or sometimes just partial responses in Stack Overflow, Medium and even academic papers or such.

The more complex the question you have, the less chance you'll find a clear response and the higher the probability you'll have to find a solution all by yourself.

I hope I could help,
Good luck for your projects !

Hi @algo.code,

Thank you for your time and your reply! One of my friends advised me a website where I can code online and it is very helpful. I found good tutorials in Youtube, so hopeful it will allow me to master Python very soon!

Thank you again!

You chose Python !

It's really nice for back-end programming, but if you want front-end (design and such, interactions with users of your website) it's not the best to begin with (as it's much more difficult than JavaScript for this matter), but for back-end (server-side, scraping, calculations, databases, data manipulation, and a lot more) it's the one I prefer (I code in Python 50% of my time I think, it's got my favors).

But as it seems it's to develop finance applications, you made the right choice, Python is the best (with C++) for that.

Good luck on your journey ! Welcome to the wonderful world of coding, life will never be the same !