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RE: Collaborate, Don't Compromise, For the Win!

in #collaboration2 months ago

If you start with collaboration you will quickly ascertain which strengths are needed most from all those brought to the table. Prioritise those and sometimes we end up compromising positions that we discover were not as important as we had thought they were in the beginning. Other times, the collaboration highlights just how important and non-negotiable those values and viewpoints are.

Great article!!!

I dropped in from Dreemport this evening.



Thank you for your comments. Your right in your assessment. It also clarifies any assumptions over skills, and exposes what skills may be lacking. I've had many instances where people assumed a person came with certain skills. In the venture capital world it's known as "Fail Early", where investors want to know that you can recognize and manage risk to know when a change of course, or a complete shut down, is the right action.