These are The Last Days - (it's not what you think)

in #collapselast year

The last days of normality begins now and ends...

Why did I say, "These are the last days?" Because they are. These are the last days of what was and what still is, for now, normal life. And once it changes, it will never be the same again.

the last days as prescribed in the writings of the Creator of all things. But that is not what this post is about.I'm not saying that this is all part of God's plan. I know that my blog is called @theplan and it should contain content that has to do with His plan as the name suggests. Oh, there is a plan and there will be a time of

What I'm talking about right now, in the last week or so of December and as we move into 2024, is a massive change that is planned and all set to be executed now. Banks have signaled that they are ready to shut down cash withdrawals at a moment's notice (and they were required to be ready to do that by the end of December). This is true and documented on publicly available rules and guidelines. I will try not to make any mistakes in this post so that, once posted, it doesn't need correction. I want it to remain unedited as we move on into 2024. I am primarily looking at The United States and other places that have changed times and law...

He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, Shall persecute the saints of the Most High, And shall intend to change times and law. Then the saints shall be given into his hand For a time and times and half a time.

Daniel 7:25

Everything is set to change and I'm not sure if we'll even make it to January 1st before it does. Humanity has seen things that don't work, things that have been done that corrupt critical systems, trusted entities breaking their oaths and causing death instead of doing no harm as they had promised. Not taking action to nip a small problem in the bud is resulting in massive, irreversible catastrophe to become imminent. Have you ever heard the words, "being sold a bill of goods? Yes, some of it is deception in the information war (mentioned last post. The continual ignorance and apathy of the people is making everything snowball until issues become insurmountable. I mention health in this paragraph but that's not what this post is about either.

Today they announce a 34% increase in the likelihood of death in men, ages 18 to 44 and insurance companies have been talking about that for several years. Now, legacy news sources are reporting on it (after ignoring credible sources of the same information for years).

We are about to go into an economic failure a hundred times worse than the depression in the 1920s. And that's just one of the things that will impact us as we move into 2024. The derivatives market (grouping debt, and trading it as if it were stocks - in a nutshell) has been streamlining property seizures, in case of default on any underlying asset (or all of them), so much so, that they have a system in place that would transfer ownership of said assets instantly if there is a collapse of the many layers of derivatives that are stacked into the quadrillions. They have changed laws and assets can now be transferred to a global, central location moments after a party does not pay, subverting what constitutions of the world might say about the right to private property.

Again, I must stress that none of what I'm writing about today is God's plan for the end of days or the Bible's Revelation. There is a hint of it all in prophecy as noted above. We used to see movies showing sign toting Christians spreading the message "Repent for the end is coming!" But this post is not about that. It is about the plans of certain humans to hyper-size profits over human rights, and they have made it all legal while we were swiping to the next Instagram post for weeks, and months, and years.

I'm talking about the consequences of many years of kicking the can down the road. Well, the road ends when the government's credit card hits its inevitable limit and the real assets are in the hands of those who were evil enough to loan those same governments money (or the right to print more paper notes) by buying bonds. Those bonds are secured by us and we will be enslaved as a consequence of our inaction. We will be holding the paper and one central authority will have legal ownership of the real estate and other real assets that were purchased on credit.

I'm talking about our failure to look at what our governments are doing and speaking to our representatives to stop them or to influence them to halt the changes that are obviously not in place for our good. We have failed miserably in fixing the simple things and now we are too small (in a global system) to effect change. And it is about to get worse - severely and gravely worse.

We have failed to hold their feet to the fire. I am talking about our politicians - worldwide - and we failed to do that for such a long time that they now have their fireproof boots secured from the knee down. They have played in the old system, loop holing their way through it and walking on the edge of corruption, murder and financial fraud for so long that they have developed a system to eliminate the line that they flirted with for generations. Debt and asset forfeiture has been reworked, automated and streamlined like an industrial, robotic, assembly line. What if one day, only weeks away, you were to lose your assets and at the same time, your money was only worth as much as its useful physical purpose, which is starting a fire in your fireplace ? Would I be exaggerating when I say that this will magnify what we saw in the Great depression to 100 fold?

The can has been kicked down the road for so long and disaster would have come eventually anyway. But now, it will come soon and by design. It is the politicians' only way to avoid the consequences that have been waiting to befall them. Their lies and crimes are seeing the light of day. They are being criticized by people who have found a way to become informed. Some representatives and senators are running investigations into their lives (finally!) and they do not like being shamed. So they are going to burn it all down and to hell with us.

Because we, collectively, have dared to investigate them and dared to hold them to account for their perversions and fraud, they will press the nuclear button. Not the one that makes a mushroom cloud, but the one that will stop the flow of all cans that have ever been kicked down the road. I have seen this coming for many years, but now I am seeing the documents that frame it all into a clear picture and the money men are calling, "Ready!" - one after the other. It will be the death of everything that we have ever known as money.

We will also finally see the consequences of our failure to even glance at some of the laws that they have been passing. We will feel the consequences of our lack of interest in our own form of government, and that includes everyone wherever you may be all over this world. And because our paper money, credit cards, debit cards and banks will all be useless to us (as well as the laws we had to make them pay), we will cry out to those same people who we wrongly elected and failed to criticize and they will ignore us. They will now be able to usher in a different form of money that will enslave us and remove our God-given right to speak and take action within the system of government that we have been enjoying for the last century.

"That can't be!", you will say. But it will be! Oh yes, you will still be able to use your mouth and criticize them, write letters to them or call your senator, prime minister or functionary, but you will do it without the ability to purchase food, a place to live, a car, gasoline or many of the other things that we enjoy as our freedoms. Personal property will be a thing of the past and money will be a right that you earn if you stifle your opposition to the corrupt individuals mentioned above. If you do not scowl at the pervert who made it into The White House, you can buy what you like.

The power hungry will have the ultimate power, through AI, to squash dissent just as YouTube and other giants have been doing for at least five years or so. First they came for Alex Jones, but I was not Alex.... Can you see where I am going with this?

Those individuals can no longer cover up or deny their involvement in perverse or fraudulent actions. So they will now admit all of the things that they've done that there will be nothing you can do about it unless you choose to lose your ability to use their new form of money (it's anyone's guess on what that will be). You can try to speak out, but then you will be destined for starvation.

What a choice, or lack thereof, we have secured for ourselves but on the upside, we had all those hours and hours of fun flicking our thumb up through Instagram reels and avoiding any real thought or analysis of ***our**** current predicaments. Everything we own given away in trade for all that great entertainment we experienced, while at the same time, they planned the destruction of our lives!

If you made it this far, then I have some other words of wisdom to share with you. You are human and you are fitted with the need to avoid disaster and seek out safety, love, and comfort. They have a need to oppress and subjugate people for power and profit. They chose to find the keys with which to manipulate you. They used your internal programming to give sensation of love, joy, acceptance, etc. watching others being heroic and smart. At the same time, you let your life go and did not pay attention to your loved ones or even see the dangers around you here in your own country. They made you afraid. You wore your mask because everyone else was wearing one. You were told that being a conspiracy theorist was a bad thing and nobody told you that the theories were proving true in a steady stream. They did conspire against you and by the time you woke up, it was too late. (or will be too late very shortly)

God's plan has a place in all of this and he will win. You are what all the fighting is all about. He loves you and his adversary (Satan means "adversary") wants to ruin all Gods favorite things, that is to say: Humans). Talk to him and read what he says to us in the ultimate owner's manual. The Bible tells us everything we need to know about who we are and who made us. Your life in a human body with a human soul was His gift to you and you need to know the best way to take care of it. He is the one who answers all tech support tickets. Call on him and he will help you.

This is on the blockchain and can't be edited without every change being logged. I don't plan on editing this post, so that you all know that my warning was inspired and marked urgent for a reason. Sorry if there are mistakes in it. I will not correct them. The post will be stuck in time as posted today. It will likely not reach enough ears to be of interest or service to anyone but it will be here sitting on the blockchain. There is a warning here to everyone about what's coming. It will likely only be seen after the event. And if I'm wrong you can laugh. But if I'm right, maybe you should pay attention, or should have paid attention. I could have put it on Facebook or YouTube but it would never have lasted there. They have already removed our choice to speak freely. I am not in the habit of working on something and then leaving it somewhere where it might be taken, erased or crushed. I only trust platforms that are freedom oriented.

You may want to take a look at what you 'own' that was purchased using debt. Sell what you can and purchase things that are able to be kept hidden, then later traded - the more of those kinds of things you have, the longer you will last. I will be available in the comments section. If there is enough inquiry, I will put together a post to elaborate on comments and answer questions as best I can.

A Catastrophe is coming the likes of which we have never seen. Some of what I talked about here will be the publicly available root cause of that result.

Originally posted on DClub Community Articles. Hive blog powered by ENGRAVE.


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It sounds very dire. I agree that powerful people are going to do that.

"It is anyone's guess on what that will be"

I would guess that it is a Central Bank type digital currency.

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