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RE: Colorful Colorado!

in #colorado3 years ago (edited)

Colorado is on my bucket list to visit! I am a huge John Denver fan and just love his song "Rocky Mountain High". It evokes such magic and wonder about the Colorado Rockies. As the mountains are my happy place, I have always wanted to connect physically with Colorado and experience for myself the peace and tranquillity that John experienced there. I have also seen your earlier post and the picture of Pikes Peak in the distance. Do you do much hiking or walking in the Rockies? I know you mention that people do stupid things when it comes to the mountain. Would you say that it's inherently unsafe to hike the Rockies or do you have to be stupid to succumb to injury or worse? I appreciate that accidents do happen, but I'd love to visit Colorado one day with my family and spend some time exploring the Rocky mountains and was wondering what the routes are like from a local's perspective and which ones you'd recommend? :-)


Lmao. No. You and your family would be pretty safe here. The police out numb civilians by alot. I think it's like 8 cops for every adult civilian. Just alot of the people that grew up here are a little strung out on hard drugs. The weed isnt bad ya know? Only thing in danger around a stoner is the refrigerator. Lol haha. Check out these photos. I would strongly suggest coming here to visit. I wouldn't move here, price of living is rediculous!








