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RE: Weekend Writer's Block...for the third week in a row on Steemit / (not just a) Blue Friday Colorchallenge

in #colorchallenge7 years ago (edited)

You had me there! Fantastic choice for Friday Blue. And you have a good start for your book!

I tend to have the opposite problem. My head is swimming with all kinds of ideas about what to write about. I think about it when I'm walking, cycling, and even sleeping LOL! It is so frustrating that I have so many ideas on a Friday, because I'm never sure whether I should post them or not. I keep hearing about posting on Mondays through Thursdays for maximum benefit.

I use Open Office (instead of Microsoft Word) so I always have something waiting in the wings.


Haha thanks! Yeah I need to start taking notes whenever I have an idea...oh well, it stays fresh this way!

And yes I've heard as well that the weekends here are not the best...but if we all start to infore that thought we will bring back the weekend fun here!

There are still plenty of people posting in the evening and on the weekends. It hasn't made huge difference to me yet, but maybe it makes a huge difference to the whales. LOL!

Who knows...just keep on trying different times