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RE: Looking Back And Learning Over Again On Hive

in #comeback2 years ago (edited)

Very nice to hear from you directly @macoolette. It is certainly understandable, with both the loss of your dear mother, as well as all of the "crazy making" surrounding how so many countries elected to respond to COVID-19, that you would not have the time to keep up the effort which you admirably maintained for a long time.

What is it the "kids" say these days? "Life happens ..." 😉

Here we are fine. With our age putting us in the "high risk" category, we have survived our own bout with COVID-19. And not by following the mandated "guidance" from the Almighty State either ... I could write whole posts about this ...

Oh, wait a minute ... I actually did, while I was still writing posts ...

Anyway, that is probably enough for now. I hope to keep in touch, as time and opportunity permit. From our days of first "meeting" in PFC, I have not forgotten the impressions made ...


There were countless miscalculations as to how the pandemic was handled here. It was understandable during the start because it is unprecedented. But after a year and the government was still doing trial-and-error is another story. But again, I could have gotten sick of anxiety just thinking about those so I let go. I'm just grateful that we made it through and things are getting better.