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RE: Seer: Round One - page #20 - an original comic

in #comics6 years ago

Thanks so much! I’ve been following the strips you’ve posted and enjoyed them, it’s a delightful concept!
If you want to read Seer in a batch, makes it easier to page through. My apologies it’s a completely untouched WordPress template that I haven’t styled at all yet. One of many untouched projects!
I’d be glad to help, but I may not have a ton of advice! I do think it’s important to pace your release of pages, or else you can expend most of the comic before you’ve built a following and connected with some of your best supporters.


Thanks! I'm bookmarking Yeah with the graphic novel, I want to finish it before I start releasing it so I can come up with a standard release schedule. With our comic strip me and my friend are just doing it as we go and making sure we get a new one out every Wednesday.