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RE: Comment commitment: 32,500 by 31 December 2020

Come on, man. You know I have commitment problems. I've been married three times...

Do you believe that's the first time I've been to HiveBuzz? It is. I get pretty focused on what I'm doing and how I'm doing it and don't much care how that stacks up to anybody else. Might also help explain 3 marriages.

So. Time divided by distance (or comments as it were) would expect me to get about 1500 more comments in by New Year's Eve (my join date is Jan.3 which really makes calculations easy).

I'll commit to 2250 from here to New Years. It's only 16 per day or so and I'd like to be over that a ways. But it's the commitment thing, you know.


That's the way...Your commitment means I don't look like Nigel no friends on this #comment-commitment thing. Yay, I have one friend. The road won't be as lonely now. 😉

I'm going to do a post each month as an update. You should too.

First you want commitment?
Now you want me to do a post every month?

You are pushing that friends thing just a bit, aren't you? 😂

"I'll take it under advisement"

Thanks for the transfer for the week ten of weekend-engagement, just saw it.

Commitment-phobic huh? Lol.