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RE: Comment commitment: 32,500 by 31 December 2020

The pursuit of money here on hive needs to run parallel with the pursuit of relationships, in my humble opinion. I don't know how many people have come and gone over the years, all I know is that those who come along and work towards building solid relationships tend to stick around, and their post rewards tend to rise commensurate to their efforts in building relationships.

From my perspective, I am happy to throw a vote on a good post here and there, it's clear I do so. But would a user benefit from one good vote from me? Or many good votes? They will only get many if they engage with me, build a relationship. I could list many who have done so, and have gotten votes from me on an ongoing basis.

Furthermore, I know a few people in the background, relationships I have created...I often promote new people, my new relationships to those other, often more powerful, accounts. So, the rewards aren't just limited to my votes alone.

Engagement to build an account works as I did it myself, am still doing it. So, those smart people chasing rewards chase relationships first.

What I write is just my opinion and I'm sure there will be people out there who disagree with me. I just say what works for me I guess.

Thanks for commenting.


True, that's a nice move. Make a relationship of different people so they will go back day by day or any other day. The thing is when you built a relationship already. You already have an audience of supporters by doing it.

Yes, when people focus on rewards and when they didn't earn it. They will leave for sure because it's not fun to stat when you don't earn anything and you're not making any friends. Very nice words, you just gave me an idea of what to post. lol

You're welcome for the posting idea. All the best with it, and your future engagement.