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RE: Comment commitment: 32,500 by 31 December 2020

This platform is really about engaging with people, most of the things I've learnt that I didn't know before were stuff people told me by engaging with them, the people who I hold close to me on here are connections that was established through engaging with them.

One thing that differentiates this place from other social mediums like twitter is that people are more willing to engage here and there is room for it.

There's this feeling of oneness amongst Hivers that is not present on Twitter, or perhaps its just me.

I checked my comments now and saw 8600....Wheeew, I guess I could take that up a notch...

I keep trying to tell newbies I'm able to come across that to enjoy this place, engagement is paramount. Extremely paramount to ones growth.


I like what you said about the oneness of hive. That's actually a really good way to put it.

Just on your comment-numbers; I reckon a person is better off to place 10-15 really good comments a day than 50 low-quality ones. It's about relevance, showing personality and passion. Shit comments will not pay off as well as good ones.

Thanks for commenting. Keep up the good work.

Yep that's totally right.

Thanks for your encouragements Uncle G

You're welcome mate. You travelled a circuitous route to find the right path, getting involved with some characters who promoted a shortcut...There isn't one though...Just engage,build relationships and post well and you'll move forward. You do a good job, keep it up.