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RE: Sticks And Boxes....

in #community2 years ago

Tramp Art is a new term for me. Luckily I have access to the internet and could look up what it means.

This almost sounds the upcycling in the lingo of today. The marbles within your walking stick are a very inventive idea. Do they move at all or are they stationary?

The light must catch these if you're out and about strutting your stuff.

These walking sticks look so nice and smooth, they must be a pleasure to use or even simply gaze it.


The Tramp Art term was new to me I thought when I first saw the marble stick online. If I had ever heard it before it was long ago and I had no idea what it was referring too.

The marbles are mostly stationary. Some of them will spin round if you try to twirl them, but they are pretty snug. It looks like to me that some of the clear finish that sealed the wood surface is on some of them.

I haven't really used it outside, so I don't know how much the marbles would pick up the light.

They are pretty neat, or I thought so.

Thanks for stopping over !