My Mom Reading Fox In Sox To The Great Grandkids

in #community2 years ago

It's Vaca Wednesday again at my house. Yay !

I was planning to post this morning, but my original intent was not at all like this post. As I was still snuggled in the bed putting off getting up.... because I could.... I begin to hear my phone binging, indicating a conversation was going on. That usually means someone in my family has sent out a group message and others are responding. Since my brother had taken my Mom to the beach with him this week for his family vacation, I figured it might be something associated with that... and it was !

The photo below is what he sent his sisters, my 88 year old Mom reading Fox In Sox by Dr. Suess to 4 of her great grandkids. Isn't that the sweetest ??!!

mom reading fox in socks.jpg

The beach trip started last Sunday morning early and it will end this coming Sunday. My Mom rode with my brother. They left his house about 8:30 AM and not long after lunch time, we received the below photo where they had arrived at the beach and had decided to stop for a Seafood lunch while waiting to check in. It was at some waterside restaurant on the sound that he did not mention the name of, but as you can see, this would be the view while dining.

mom beach rest.jpg

A little later after that, we received this photo from an ice cream shop where there was so much ice cream on the first cone, that you needed another cone just to hold it on.


I'm not sure what is up with those sunglasses. I had to wonder if they were an extra pair of my brothers.... but maybe not. Ah well.... whatever works I suppose.

mom with ice cream.jpg

My brother Mark has 3 children and they are all grown, married and have children of their own now. They are young and early in their family life journeys. For the last few years, my brother has rented a HUGE beach house and has taken his entire family to the beach for a week. I think that is so nice. They don't need to help pay for the place to stay and he gets to have his whole family around him for a week of fun ... .AND mayhem, with that many children, you just KNOW some mayhem is included.

This photo is from their trip last year. My SIL Martha had ordered t-shirts for all the children that had the word "cousin" on them. They are all wearing them here. The boys in blue and pink for the girls. You can see that the boys out number the girls by a mile. Out of 9, 7 are boys. I bet they will be taking a group photo again this year. There are still only 9 grandchildren this year, but now there is another on the way !

Whole Group Photo.JPG

Although my other brother and my two sisters have children also, my family tree will be assured of going forward for years to come, just from this branch alone !

The Captain and Ya Ya with their Grands

Mark & Martha with All Grands.JPG

I'm hoping for some more photos of the trip as the week progresses.

I am almost about too, probably, maybe going to get up from here and do something else. More organizing projects need to be done and some fall decor needs to be dragged out. Some of that will probably happen. It is really no telling from moment to moment around here.

Hope you are all doing well and having a very happy day.

Love you !



I am very jealous of your mom! Having a great time and at 88 no less!

Honestly, her bloodline, the ones we know have great longevity. She and her two brothers, all in their 80s and going quite strong for their age. My Grandmother, Mom's mother lived to be 98, although she had a lot of problems in the last 10 years of that. My great aunts lived a long time too... my Grandmother's sisters.

She loves the kids and wants them to know her. They love her too !

What lovely family photos and family moments. I can imagine the joy of being by the beach for a week. How cool! I felt so much warmth from your post.
That ice-cream though. Lol! I find it funny that a second cone was needed. Well, better 2 than one. 😃

Thank you ! It is so wonderful to have good family. My brother is a brave one. There were 9 children of various ages from infant to about 12 years old and 8 adults already and he invited Mom to go. I hope she behaved. LOL !

I don't really know why they did that with the cone unless the original cone was so skinny that there was no way that giant ball of ice cream would balance there as you tried to lick it. It is quite funny though.

😃Of course mom behaved. It seems she really enjoyed the time.
I especially love the photo of her reading to the great grandkids. Lovely family.

I love family vacations like this! Everyone gets so busy in life that we miss out on some of those moments. What a wonderful time for all! How cool that everyone can get the same time off.

Fox in Sox! Who doesn't love Dr. Suess!?

Mom looks great and having a great time with the great-grands. She is pretty amazing. Not sure how I missed this, but, I never see your notifications anymore.

I thought it was so nice of my brother to invite her knowing there was already going to be a house full of people. She was mostly concerned about how many steps that 4 story house might have, but turns out it had an elevator, which eliminated any knee or hip concerns. She doesn't have a lot of trouble with either, but they both whisper to her once in a while.

I would definitely have to be suspicious of anyone that does not like Dr. Suess.

I'm sure she wouldn't believe that photo wasn't flattering of her, but those boys faces are the best as they listen to their Great-Grandma read ! So sweet !

It was really nice of your brother, and I am sure that he sees the value in having great grandma there - and she is alone now, so even more... but, definitely nice.

I guess you don't have to have issues with those parts, but, given her age, and her lack of stairs in her own house, it will do more than whisper after a week. Yay for elevators!

The boys' faces are precious and hello? She is 88! Even if she were only 78, she is a looker! OMG. She looks amazing!