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RE: Some Days You Just Want To Be Defiant

in #community2 years ago

A lot of folks I work with feel the same way, but many have more bills than me and others have families and the such. It's terrible to tell people it is "voluntary", but then take away some of their money if they don't do it. When it first started, I was livid ! If I had been married or in some situation where there was more than one income coming into my home, I would have never gone along with it one single time.

I did cancel tomorrow's appointment. I feel better already !


Bravo! I'vehad a defiant sort of day today, too. Must be something in the air.

Your outdoor art always makes me smile, though!

Maybe it WAS defiant day in the universe and we just didn't know. 😄

... and thank you ! I love whimsical art inside or out. I didn't gather in as many flowers this year as I normally do. I just wasn't feeling it in the spring, so I decided to fill in some spaces with other fun stuff to look at. It's been fun. I don't want to hurry summer, but I have thought a time or too about what I might do for fall. No super ideas yet, but their is time.