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RE: Community Giveaway: Tickets to Enter the Metaverse

in #community2 years ago

Hive! It is currently 5:00 a.m. local time in the evening. And I'm writing something related to hive. The reason why hive keeps me awake at such an odd hour is because it provides me with values that no other platform can provide. I used to be in a lot of debt and owed a lot of money. However, since joining the hive, I've had none. That experience provided me with happiness, strength, and something I'd been looking for a very long time. It provided me with money. Many people can claim that they are pursuing their passion, bla bla bla, and this is true. I'm not going to say anything as they did. Aside from the fact that I am debt-free, hive has taught me a great deal. I've decided to write more frequently. I'm giving feedback to more people, and I'm also trying to balance my time between other hive-related activities. You might have a vague idea of what I'm talking about. Splinterlands, you are correct. I've also learned how to make money from gaming thanks to Hive. It forced me to make better use of my time by writing and providing feedback. Basically, hive opened my eyes to a whole new world. I'm hoping that the Enter the Metaverse conference will be something like this too. I am hoping that it will be a dynamic place in which to learn new things. This is the future now. Let me dive into the future.