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RE: Popcorn !

in #communitylast year

Ouch, I hadn't heard that of microwave popcorn thing but it might explain why it's not so popular now! We have one of those silly machines but have used spot loads. I love some decent popcorn!


I had never heard of any dangers about the microwave kind before I read that. Probably not a big deal if it was only used on rare occasion, but who would have thunk it ?? Not me.

Those machines are the bomb ! I really don't need something else big that I need to find a place for it, but common sense doesn't always win around here.😆 ... till then, I was happy to find that just having the better oil and kernels would give me a much better version of this happy snack. That may be enough to satisfy me on this, time will tell.

Time will tell indeed!!

The little machine is kinda cool. The kids love it. I did like opening a pot and sermon l seeing it filled to the brim when we did it that way

Yeah, popping hard kernels into a great crunchy snack IS somewhat like magic.