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RE: My engagement on Steemit replies is dropping and I plan to change that... And you should too!

in #community6 years ago

It quit discouraging for beginners when they comment on posts and they get no reply, I know that feeling because I am new on steemit.
I feel it's awesome that someone noticed this and say so others could follow
Great post


Yeah, nothing would push users away from the platform faster than nobody wanting to talk with them. That is anti-social media, lol.

Nomad is cool precisely because he thinks about stuff like this, whereas others kind of take it for granted once they've "made it".

Also, welcome to steemit!

Thanks a lot

Exactly, and as more experienced users, it is our duty towards the platform to reply, guide and engage with newer people. I understand how you feel, let´s hope more people start doing this :)

Yeah I hope so. Would also put it at the back of my mind so when I get up there would surely reply newbies

          Try not to look at it so much as newbie comments, I try to read all the comments on a post, some of them, (like now), I respond to. I myself do not do a lot of post, and those I do do not have hundreds of people commenting on them. When I read a post, and get to the end, I do look to see how many comments have been made, especially if I am going to make one. If there are lots of them i try to read most before commenting because some may have said what I wanted to say, so I try to save the post author some time by commenting to a commentator. Of course all that does is make the author look at two comments now instead of one, but they can make their reply to both people in one comment.
          On a total off topic issue, if you find you need a little bit more help getting noticed, check out @adsactly, or #newbieresteemday, and any of the minnow support groups, they all try to help new users get a leg up.