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RE: Creative Writing Competition! - ....“ IF I HAD A TIME MACHINE I WOULD GO BACK/FORWARD IN TIME AND ....................” - Pls Read On..

in #competition6 years ago

IF I HAD A TIME MACHINE, in all honesty i wont change anything for a simple reason because those are what made me who i am, and if am happy with who i am today then am sure there where no mistakes yesterday just lessons, if i had taken that job or entered that school or married that girl likely, most likely i won't have had my experiences that i cherish so much, all i have and cherish is my experience and lessons so changing them might alter everything elso so maybe i dont need the time machine.


good entry ............. you get a vote from me ............. dont forget to upvote and resteem though! ................ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuules! :)