Computer is not the speediest these days.

in #computer3 years ago

I had to do a full balance on my hard drives, so my computer has slowed down to a crawl.

There's still 69% left and the computer has been running the balance operation for about 4 days now.

I haven't been able to do anything productive on it. I can barely run a video on it. Everything else feels like it's swimming in tar.

For instance, starting a program, any program – even a text editor – can takes anything from 30 seconds to full 2 minutes. Sometimes they don't start at all. Steam for instance is very picky, so more of ten than not, it won't start, and I can't even play a game while waiting.

I wonder if it's the sheer size of hard drives I have on my rig, and whether there's a simpler way to do this. Maybe I should build a separate RAID machine for a file server, and one for an archive to the files I don't actively use... Running everything on the main rig is quite hoggish for the resources too.

It's just that getting more computers is hardly a good choice either.

Anyone have good ideas on how to free some resources for work?

Anyway, it seems that I need to wait for at least 2 weeks before I can actually use the computer for anything else than watching old video clips and maybe Twitter.

I'm glad Ecency works, albeit very slowly.

So if you don't see me here that often these days, that's the reason.

I'll see you later, hopefully!

P.s. I contacted @Omsoc again. The gyms here have lately closed down, but I am in a need for new workouts, so I asked him whether we could train outside somewhere... We'll see what happens... Maybe I'll get something to post about again.


I feel very agony and bad while this computer's are getting me annoyed by buffering video and time kill, only experience by Internet browsing and youtube. You may have lots of experience about technology.

Technology is more advanced but only a drawback to reduce it efficiency with slower, it called self killed! They are likely to slow down to launch another new version for better performance but when the new one is getting old, it turns into slow again, thus we are alwalys try to update those machines but ignored about it drawback.

In the old days my friend told me to partition the hd!

Yes that used to be the standard when we were young, that's true. It also might help with fragmentation, but smaller partitions tend to fill up more quickly and become troublesome when full.

Slowing the pc is more common fact, the manufacturer use this policy for forced to upgrade of this machine. There always a reason for slowing by heat produce by electronic accessories/patys, emissions by thermal processes.

Oh! No! I had to wipe all my iPhone memory last year! Not enough memory and everything just stopped!

Time is very fast these days!

I'm really sorry if I was missing your presence. If my son was there I would ask him but he went to another country, I hope someone will give you a good idea soon. I have also lowered my number of posts, I do not have much desire to write, I force myself to be active, but I have many sick acquaintances, some already recovered. The pandemic is strong here now. Take care of yourself.