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RE: The Day My Computer Died.

in #computerlast year

Honest, it wouldn't, except when the pain gets so bad or I can not think because of the terrible brain fog I get. The computer gives me something to do and keeps my mind engaged enough that I can go into a meditative state.

This is so relatable! My devices have been sooo many things to me over the years. Distraction. Connection. Stress relief. Pain relief. I honestly don't know if I would have kept my sanity without them. I'm sorry your everything broke on you all at once, but thank goodness you have one working device left! I hope your computer guy can get at least one of your computers back to you soon!


Oh the laptop is dead dead. It is old and needs to be taken to where worn out computers go.

I am now learning this iPad more and more each day. I just hate learning new things when it was not my choice! Loll.

I downloaded a few coloring apps and seeing what they all do. I have a graphics App too but it has so many bells and whistles that it get over whelming when you first open it.

This way I can practice using the iPencil ? In a easy way before I learn more in the larger more involved program.

I learn best doing the basics and then moving up. If you have one thing ingrained in you it, to me, is easier to then learn the next. I am pretty sure it takes me a lot longer to learn than others but that has been that way my whole life cuz I learn things differently than most.

I am hoping before Friday… but I still would like to be able to clean everything off and dust where the computer will go back to.

And this stupid little round grey ball that is the curser is still driving me insane because I can not turn it off…but my hands must not be touching it as much cuz while writing this it only jumped to the bottom 4 times so far. LOLL