The Day My Computer Died.

in #computerlast year


You are about to read how my computer broke last week. Hold on tight. It is going to be a bumpy ride. I have so much to say, and I had nowhere to type it!

I knew it was coming. I could feel it in my bones. My fabulous pieced-together junk computer could open four programs and jump from window to window; no lag was ever evident. I could play The Sims 4 with graphics on high and have four babies with no lag in sight.

My desktop computer was my lifeline to help lessen my pain and to all my friends and family. I knew it was coming. I didn't know when. I had faith in my hard-working computer to give me a sign before she gave it up for ghost.

A windfall came to my son and me from me playing Gods Unchained for hours unending. I needed a new tablet because the one I had gotten for traveling down to see my Mom and back had died…but I didn't want it to die, so I watched a video and performed the surgery.

With a screwdriver in hand, I cracked the spine of that old tablet and peeked inside. Lucky for me, the guts of my tablet looked just like the one in the video. Grabbing my tweezers and my best tiny seeing glasses, I unplugged the brain and replugged it in.

I said a prayer to the… Okay, I never said a blessing because there was no chance that what I did would work. I had no idea what I had done other than to follow some man's hands and voice repeatedly to plug and unplug a computer's brain.

I now needed to put the case back together again, which should have been easy, but it was not! Putting tablet cases that should always remain sealed is harder to get back together than they are to open up. Who knew?

Once all back in one solid piece, except for the part I had backward and broke some plastic off so it would fit, only to realize… backward…so I rectified that. I turned the tablet on, and what do you know, she booted right up! I could not believe my eyes.

One would now think that with my big computer broken and my old backup laptop deciding to die on the very same day as the big Mamma one, I would use my old tablet until my guy has time to fix my desktop and make her better than ever before, lets hope.

I could not do that because I left that old tablet down by my Mom's when I was there last year for four months, helping her recover from her second broken leg.

Come to find out; my Mother is addicted to playing Solitaire. Never in the mornings but all night, every night, she plays her cards on her phone and then wonders why the battery is going down so fast. Part of the reason is her forty tabs open, and the second part is her cards. She is never happier than when she wins, and the music goes off with fireworks.

I noticed she had to wait for the advertisements to play between games. It's a simple App, so I looked into what it would cost to get it so there were no ads. I think it came out to 4.99 USD. I could handle that, but I didn't want to put it on her phone in case she gets a new one.

I ended up putting her cards on my old tablet. It gave her a more extensive screen, also. This way, she would not strain her eyes every night. When I finally got to come home, I left my old tablet with Mom because right before heading down to Florida, I had bought a new iPad Pro. Thank you, cryptocurrency and games!

I think I had the iPad for a week before I had to pack up in less than twenty-four hours and fly down to Florida. I used the iPad to check the battery percentage, and if it were below 50%, I would plug it into the charger. So yeah...No FREAKING clue how to use the only electronic with a screen I can mostly see. I must wear my reading glasses, but that is another story for another day.

You might wonder what the big deal would be to go ten to fourteen days without a computer. Honest, it wouldn't, except when the pain gets so bad or I can not think because of the terrible brain fog I get. The computer gives me something to do and keeps my mind engaged enough that I can go into a meditative state. Computers help me take less pain medication, and occasionally, I write pretty cool stories too.

I have had to download more Apps than I care ever to do again. I had to find more passwords than I had time and patience for. I had to figure out how to get back on Hive. I thought I knew where my keys were, all safe and happy. It turns out they are keys that no longer work on Hive. I did not care to go back to where they do work!

I tried watching TV, but it was late at night, and I think my ear infection is back because Hubby said I woke him up from having the TV too loud! If you know, you know how funny this is!

To write this post, I had to download another app and find more passwords so you could understand what I was writing, and now my battery is at 25%! How much time do I have at 25%? No Flipping clue!

I am having a crash course on how to use an iPad. Do I have all my keys, passwords, and what I had for dinner written down?

I am hoping this coming week to get my desktop computer back. I will be delighted when I do not squint to read a screen. Plus, I miss playing The Sims 4! I am hoping that my computer guy will be able to recover the whole hard drive, and I know he is, too; if he can not @Brisby will have to start all over having more babies!

Now try number two to see if I can copy what I wrote into a post on Hive.

Help someone smile today. It can not hurt you.


Thumbnail colored by me on the ‘Lake’ App for not android.

All photos are mine unless otherwise stated.

Gif made by @Snook


I will fix the wall of text when my computer gets fixed. loll

hahahhahahahaha cracking up at your p.s. in th comment section lol


Do you have ANY idea how many times I went to copy and paste and it MOVED type on me? And , then I had to rewrite what I had just written and almost, ALMOST threw this thing out the window but then all I would have had is my phone and I would have had to download more apps. LOLL


yessssssssss LOL i know exactly what you mean

when i've had to use my phone and do all these weird little shortcuts and copy paste and all this ughhhhhhhhh i hate it

now i'm used to it but i prefer my computer always hahahahaha

and when i've lost stuff cuz i'm on some new app or new thingie GRRRRRRRRRRRRR hahahahahahaahah ik know i know i know!!

And I am just the opposite 😂 Hahahaha
Doing it on my computer is a pain and I like... I need my Phone 😁
I have actually learned to use my computer more tho.. But I sure like things to be as I like it.
If they change things so need to add more to it then I go like...
Nope... Not doing that
Where is my Phone? 😊 Ahh.. Hello

😂 Hahahaha.. Awwwe

I'm so glad that you have something over until the big one comes back!!!

and maybe Brisby wants to try to have more babies?? lolololol maybe it was fun for her hahaha

I read your whole saga and I can only giggle along with you because I KNOW that it's going to be better!

cuz when you first told me I was NOT giggling at all...I was sad. cuz I know how much your computer is your lifeline!!! but now that everything is on the mend...I'm giggling at the comedy of errors and Mrs. Fixit with her backwards case and reading glasses lololol

this is why my letter N key is broken!!! on my laptop hahaha

because taking it apart was ok but yeah... putting it back SNAP! hahahahhahaa

but it will be ok soon!!! hehehe the big boy will be back better than ever!!!! I know it!

I love you hahahhaa

I am counting the minutes and have started a list called “when I get my real computer back”


I needed to suck it up and learn how to use this thing but…..Maybe someone knew I am stubborn and unless forced to use it it would have just sat there for another year? Hmmmm

Makes one wonder….


the same thing has happened to me in the past and you know what??? i finally learned things that ended up being SO valuable to me in the future.. and then I thought oh geez - if nto for that i would have been so stuck! hahahaha

so yes - Someone knew! hahaah

oops - this is me - hahaha i was on the dreemport account though lol obviously lol

I read the whole post with this face 😩

I can really relate to you on this one, dear snook. When you need a distraction and you don't have what you're used to, what you're familiar with, the situation suddenly feels worse than it already is, unfortunately.

Part of the reason is her forty tabs open

They do it all the time. It's the same with my mom and dad. I think it is really sweet when it isn't a major problem.

because Hubby said I woke him up from having the TV too loud! If you know, you know how funny this is!

Not so good when you're the one being woken up, okay? (I say it like a crybaby for joke of course.)

I hope this time period goes faster than you expect and you get your computer soon lovely snook. ✨ And I hope you will be better ✨🖤

I do love when the problem is just closing the 47 tabs open :D
Thank you! I needed the giggle and I did giggle when I read that!

And you are correct in the hubby department. Those were my thoughts exactly!! Are you reading my mind ?? :D

Hopefully some time this week I will be getting the call that it is fixed and ready but not holding my breath. It will be here when it should. I have to believe that.

I hope you are doing okay!!!

Much love being sent your way!!!

It is really nice when it isn't a ghost screen and I still wondering how my mom did it. But at the same time I don't want to belabour the topic.😂

Maybe😁 I might be a psychic. 👻

DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH! We need you, okay? 😂😂 Jokes aside, counting every minute really won't help.

Trying to be okay, fine and all.

Like dear Wes, love and light lovely snook ✨

Ear infection again?? No freaking way, I need to have a talk with your ears about hurting you so much. 😭

I hate thinking of you not being unable to give @brisby children, just like frighteningly large amounts of children. 40 tabs of Brisby babies exclusively, I wish computers on you which could do such things. What's that? Brisby just had her 70th baby! 😱🎉 4 screens, all different Sim worlds, a nest of Sims upon you!

I think there's a ribbon cable in iPads? If I'm right, it's actually super cool that you could fix it. I think I would've broken it on accident tbh. Congrats on a successful surgery Doc! Love you Snook, I hope things get set straight with your set up soon!! 🤗

Habishama grantsnooo, Sna!

(that's enormous hugs in Simish)

OMG I wrote out a whole comment and it’s gone…..

OMG I need a nap! LOLL

Yes, I think so….
I was to see the doctor tomorrow but honest I am too worn out to go…it’s been really busy here and I have had to drive all over the last week and need a week to recoup. So I will see him next week and we can start all over again but I have a feeling he will send me to a ENT doctor after this.

Yes, either way @Brisby is having lots more kids in the Sims :D LOLL

I LOVE that you know Simish



Honest, it wouldn't, except when the pain gets so bad or I can not think because of the terrible brain fog I get. The computer gives me something to do and keeps my mind engaged enough that I can go into a meditative state.

This is so relatable! My devices have been sooo many things to me over the years. Distraction. Connection. Stress relief. Pain relief. I honestly don't know if I would have kept my sanity without them. I'm sorry your everything broke on you all at once, but thank goodness you have one working device left! I hope your computer guy can get at least one of your computers back to you soon!

Oh the laptop is dead dead. It is old and needs to be taken to where worn out computers go.

I am now learning this iPad more and more each day. I just hate learning new things when it was not my choice! Loll.

I downloaded a few coloring apps and seeing what they all do. I have a graphics App too but it has so many bells and whistles that it get over whelming when you first open it.

This way I can practice using the iPencil ? In a easy way before I learn more in the larger more involved program.

I learn best doing the basics and then moving up. If you have one thing ingrained in you it, to me, is easier to then learn the next. I am pretty sure it takes me a lot longer to learn than others but that has been that way my whole life cuz I learn things differently than most.

I am hoping before Friday… but I still would like to be able to clean everything off and dust where the computer will go back to.

And this stupid little round grey ball that is the curser is still driving me insane because I can not turn it off…but my hands must not be touching it as much cuz while writing this it only jumped to the bottom 4 times so far. LOLL


Back yet? Love you! Neat way you did the reflections of the swirls and ripples and bubbles on the water too hey.