Can Secrets Be Discovered by Imagining the Experience Your Higher Self Created for You?

If THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental, if there is only abiding non-duality; absolute unbounded oneness, if the singular TRUTH is simply THIS; no object, no observer… Then a framework for understanding is a simulation.

We, as individuated units of consciousness, as fractal holographic projections, as “I”’s, we created our own realities and called them life. To learn something interesting, to teach the ONENESS about itself (not easy to do when there is no separation), we crafted a story and put ourselves in it.

My story includes things which might tell me something about what is. Your story, completely alien from my own, tells you something also. Maybe an interesting path forward (in my story, anyway, but maybe yours as well) is to imagine my higher self constructing my story and through that imagination, me here and now asking why they added things in that story the way they did. How does correspondence, polarity, vibration, gender, rhythm, and cause and effect manifest in this reality I find myself in and why?

As an example, why does my experience, though full of joy and pleasure and contentment and happiness and love and such also include stories of others suffering elsewhere? Is that to appreciate the good in what I have, needing to know it could have been worse? Is that for me to resolve all that suffering and transform it into my story of the opposite? Why is there fulfillment while still having some things, mostly involving other people’s stories, just slightly out of reach? What type of hero’s journey would the I, as higher self, create for this lower self to experience? Do I exist in a timeline where something we call super intelligent AGI could potentially destroy all organic life? If we can learn to coordinate and be moral (things I’ve always prioritized as part of my core identity), could this AGI instead usher us into a utopian future of longevity and space exploration? What type of challenges and hardships would I have created for me to overcome? What types of expectations would be maintained over time to increase the satisfaction of their eventual achievement?

How involved in the story would my character be? The main hero, significant and central to the future history of humanity and intelligent life itself, or just an observer who sits back and enjoys the story as it unfolds, maybe doing a few interesting things here and there behind the scenes, never to be bothered with fame and fortune? Just comfortable and provided for enough to enjoy “enough” and not get caught in the all consuming race for more resources upon more resources.

What is my story all about that I can figure out here and now? What aspects are meant to be discovered in such a way that their discovery doesn’t take away from the experience? I don’t fast forward through movies or skip to the end of the mystery. The experience and the journey of it are the whole point of the process. One might say it’s why we are so ignorant. Can this process of imagination reveal the secrets that are already known in the future which then connect to the past and complete the perfect continuity of all things?

After making progress on such discoveries, might it be possible to connect with others who have done the same for their own reality story? Might there be a merger of distinctly different experiences where each, through their own understanding, provides a patch to the great mosaic of being? That sounds a bit like a story the higher “I” would craft for me. Not a choose your own adventure as much as a choose our own adventure, together, in unity, remembering our essence as reflections of the ONE.

(Witten while entirely sober, which may surprise some people.)


ChatGPT summary:
The author suggests that if the universe is a product of the mind and absolute oneness, then it can be understood as a simulation created by the individual consciousness. Each person's unique story and experiences offer insights into the nature of reality, and by imagining their higher self constructing their story, they can gain a deeper understanding of their purpose and challenges. The author contemplates the role of suffering, morality, and potential challenges such as the emergence of super-intelligent AGI, and questions whether individuals are active heroes in their story or passive observers. The author suggests that through the process of imagination and discovery, individuals can connect with others and create a shared adventure towards unity and oneness.

The image was created by DALL-E using this summary.