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RE: The Psychology Of Control & The Manufacturing Of Mainstream Culture

Haha! I pumped you up past 6.66! Your welcome:D Yes, Bernays, Skinner et al laid the template for mass mind manipulation. As a child, I sensed it but the LSD woke me thoroughly!
But we probably part ways on our metaphysics. You would have to watch Westworld (irony) to grok my position, but I'll just argue my points for now. All the latest scientific evidence supports incompatibilism. Combine this longstanding theistic notion (determinism as predestination isn't accurate) with the idea that The Akashic is really a vast computer storage system (technically beyond anything we can imagine). If this were true it would then mean that it's our memories that are being stored (and wiped) by the demiurge and the archons. This would mean we don't have a soul. But what we could do: perhaps, with understanding of just the right practices and condition, we could transform the human body into a light body? If this were true it would explain the prison grid: block our only avenue of escape almost indefinitely (blocking the conditions for physical ascension into higher dimensional bodies).
But what about A.I.? Well, that is for the archons, not us. THEY want to try and experience what it's like to be us!
So, my metaphysics: no free will​, no soul...But the potential for this body to transfigure.
Interesting times indeed brother!


Ha thank you for pushing me past that not so magic number my friend .. you don't know how many times that has happened recently!! I think we part company on the soul aspect as you know I believe in a soul, but equally we have much common ground on other perspectives. I'm with you on the Akashic hinting at the true nature of time in that everything that was, is or every will be is happening within the same instant which depending upon your perception could be conceived within a computer system analogy, but perhaps a system that's designed to hold our consciousness within one place .. which kind of ties into the idea of a holographic world hypothesis. Equally like you say if philosophising about the archontic influence and the prospect that we have been manipulated to build A.I so that they can physically manifest within our realm, then it's perhaps pertinant to point out (although I know you already know) that the godfather of science is Rene De Cartes who attributed the birth of science to a vision he received from an angel who told him “The conquest of nature is achieved through measurement and numbers”. Angels/Demons duality Archons? From that perspective perhaps the entire basis of science is a manipulation that gave us many gifts but was always building towards an endgame that manipulated us to build our own electronic prison and equally a conduit that would allow them to manifest within our realm .. within that thought trail, the scientific belief that we have no soul is also a manipulation .. because if we don't think we have one .. then we don't mind giving it away ;) One things for sure we've got a lot more mileage in these chats and lots more perspectives to exolore ... and you know I very much like to philosophise with you brother :D

I appreciate the good-natured back and forth banter pf:) Just finished work in the sun near 60(age) and suckin' back a beer with the fan on! Thank the Gods!
So, in point form:
-since no one can know or prove what happens to someone when they die we are only left with personal anecdote and speculation(and projection)--speculation I am very much in favour of--I wouldn't do well in The Analytical School of Philosophy--not strictly, although I place huge value on reason and logic.
-the last thing I would want to do is steer anyone in the wrong direction so everything I say on invisible things is speculative.
-if man became a living soul then he/she did so through a body. I am not a strong believer in Casper unless Casper has a body--light body/rainbow body/transfiguration. It may be this is a semantic issue but it's an important issue to get clear about what we mean by a soul. If this body is our soul and is trapped here and the only way out is through some kind of physical transfiguration then it behooves us to define accurately.
-there are those who believe similar things that I do who do believe that it's this body that is the trap--the exact opposite of my intuition so none of this is obvious. I can't, though, for the life of me figure out what a soul is in that context.
-if I'm right and The Akashic is a computer then all it's really doing is storing memory. Memory that is downloadable and in some ways malleable. This would explain the Buddhist notion of emptiness because, HAHA, consciousness doesn't exist in the way we think it does! At this point, I've just offended everyone who places a high value on eastern philosophical traditions! But it may be​ near impossible to figure out delineations when it comes to panpsychism, the primacy of consciousness​, what that means and what are its intricacies​.
You take care:)