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RE: Vaccines- Full of Vitamins,Minerals & Fetal tissue!?

in #conspiracy6 years ago

I totally agree with you. The issue here isn't whether you are pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine (false dialectic). The issue is about personal freedom that only you have the right to determine what you can or can't put in your own body. You own yourself, so that is not something that you can abdicate to others.

We live in the age of information, so being ignorant about what is in vaccines is not an excuse. The ingredients are right on the inserts as well as the risks vs benefits. If you do decide to vaccinate yourself or your children, just be informed on what you are are putting you your body. You can ask the nurse for the insert or you can look it up on the manufacture's website or from the FDA.

For example:


We agree with you, it is one's choice. It is also a good idea to research (other than the insert) the vaccine before getting it. By chance did you already know that fetal tissue is in some vaccines before this article?

Oh yeah absolutely! There is tons of great research out there on the subject. It's sad that so many people will just take what the main stream media and what main stream science says about it without doing any of their own research and deciding for themselves.

Yes I did know about the fetal tissue among other disgusting and toxic ingredients and adjuvents. A great docu-series is Ty Bollinger's "The Truth About Vaccines" I think it's 7 episode series (each episode being 2+ hours long) of him interviewing physicians, presenting research on Vaccines. Very well done and pretty un-biased. (but not completely.). If you haven't seen it, I would totally check it out!

So many people want to live in a world where the individual does not have a say in what happens to themselves. I couldn't imagine a worse hell then that.

@compostorganico instead of mindlessly down voting people's comments because you may disagree with them, why don't you at least add to the conversation and speak up about what you disagree about. You might learn something and you might teach others you disagree with something as well.

Right! There are way too many people who want to live in a world where everything is decided for them. I find myself wondering if the very same people are too programmed. Think about it. From the time that a person is born, they are programmed. I have seen parents use the TV as a baby sitter, not really know what their child is watching. The tv show and movies that are "made for kids" are anything but kid-friendly. Then a person goes through school, only to be taught how to be a slave to a system. People are not taught to think, let alone think for themselves, in my opinion. I remember listening to a YouTube video, could not tell you what the video was about, but I can tell you that the person made the comment "Just because someone famous goes on TV and tells you something with a straight face does not make it true". That was such a powerful statement for me to hear, because not only is it true, it made me think how many times I have seen an actor or actress get on tv and say something that I took straight to heart as fact, without ever second guessing them, let alone doing any research.

We (TBL is a team in case you did not know) will check out that docu-series, sounds interesting. Did you see the movie that Robert Di Niro made about Vaccines called Vaxxed?

I have not seen it yet but it is pretty high up on my "to watch" list. Man, I couldn't have said those things better myself haha! I'll try to get some time next week to watch it and I'll let you know what I think. Thanks for the suggestion! I totally didn't know TBL is a team. That is really cool :) I look forward to more great content from you guys. I gave you guys a follow a day or two back. Keep up the good work!

Thank you and we are glad that you are enjoying the work we do. We will be looking forward to more comments from you on future articles.