
What a list! It's all very simple. The Earth is not flat. Unfortunately in amongst all that evidence, and science, and explanation, and hundreds of years of exploration there still exists the foulable human. All it takes is one superstar with too much money and too little intelligence to thwart all that with one tweet. In steps the celebrity bias (ingroup) and wham every follower is nodding their head in agreement.. it must be so. It's mind boggling at the same time such an interesting study in bias.

I applaud you on your mission and will gladly help out where I can.

Thanks. following. And I try to 'reward' anyone willing to help me debate these folks by upvoting comments. So, come on over! I'm sure their will be plenty of entertainment.

It seems that flat earthers suffer from an inability to comprehend large numbers. Heck they even suffer from an inability to comprehend the possibility of large numbers.
They can't perceive that the globe of the earth can be so large, that they may not be able to see the curve from their bedroom window.
The other huge hole I see in their arguments is the physical existence of the Earth. There are numerous models which explain how the earth, solar system, galaxy and universe came into being. Why they form into disks, then into planets and so on.
The flat earthers have no such models or theories to explain a flat plane surrounded by an ice wall. They resort to 'we don't know because of the conspiracy' or point you to the Bible.

What, is that all? Yeah, it's totally a flat earth. ;)

Joking aside, what I find hard to wrap my head around is that such a group is actually not only still around, but also growing in number! I've read all your posts and laugh every time, but it's almost an anxiety-fueled laughter. Are any of these people in positions where they can make major political decisions? Hopefully not, or at least hopefully not reelected...


Fortunately, I don't think that there are any in the political circles, however in pop culture and sports there are: Rapper Bobby Ray Simmons Jr. (aka B.o.b.) recently announced a GoFundMe campaign called "Show BoB The Curve" which sadly has 5k so far. Shaquille O'Neal, Kyrie Irving... The list goes on... All influencers in their own circles.

luddite who would call us ballers ! I have a couple of things to add.I'm just going to weigh in on this once and I applaud your article @kerriknox. I know the odd

The Ancient Greeks

Thousand of years ago they worked out that the Earth was a spheroid based on calculations of the length of shadows at different latitudes with readings taken at the same time of day. Using mathematics they averaged out a curvature which gave the answer, it's round.


The Flat Earth Hoax Theory was and is designed by very clever people as an ontological experiment to explore how far people's credulity can be stretched, how far can a conspiracy theory be twisted to create a sense of confusion. It's a sick joke on the people and it's core irony is that it brought back from the dead an idea hundreds of years old and defunct. (thousands if you count the anecdote above) The idea was solely to test the boundaries of incredulity and pour scorn on the kind of people who routinely don't believe the diet of lies they are fed on a daily basis. It was a get back in the box trick. If you seek the truth and you fell for this, they got you, they won this round, you no longer count. you took the sucker punch. Better luck next time.

There are plenty of really dark things going on on this beautiful ball of rock. hurtling through space. Many things which were considered conspiracies later turned out to have a large element of truth in them. It's human nature to control and in this respect there are many conspiracies hiding partial truths and others masking deceit in the most wicked and corruptible ways.
take your pick.

###The obvious ones
are well known and very mysterious. Does anyone really know who killed JFK and why? Aliens and UFO's. The Twin Towers, Out of Place Artefacts.. there are fun ideas and there are nefarious ones. Some conclusions are so difficult to swallow we choose to ignore them, they are well hidden and profited from.

I even saw yesterday an interesting conspiracy

(on steemit) a video clip claiming that the shooting in Vegas was carried out by more than one person. the video purported to show automatic gunfire coming from the 4th floor window of the Mandalay bay. The implication was that it was a false flag attack.. the reasoning, that the anti-gun lobby (someone ?) would deliberately kill and injure 100's of people in an attempt to get bump stocks banned.. it was a country music festival. hey, country music supporters are known to be 2nd amendment supporters right ? the musician who was playing suddenly denounced gun ownership after years of supporting the right to bear arms. it's not a huge stretch of the imagination is it? We are by nature, curious pattern recognisers with a smattering of healthy suspicion and hints of superstition. we are the survivors of history. WE can confabulate incredible from mundane, sometimes we stumble inadvertently into the truth.. Ok so let's just play this one out for the numbers...

A Bump Stock

..turns a semi-automatic weapon into an almost fully automatic assault weapon of military capability. It's interesting that the news report the day before in the Guardian newspaper quoted a witness as saying it seemed like the gunfire was coming from different directions.. to be honest, I don't care if this conspiracy theory is true or not. I'm smart enough to ponder, would it be feasible? yes.. who would have a vested interest ? someone who wanted bump stocks banned. who would that be ? people in authority.. (they have automatic weapons) which gives them a tactical advantage in cases of severe civil unrest. would I agree with their viewpoint ? probably yes. I don't think the public should be allowed to carry automatic assault weapons. I live in the UK, nobody is allowed to carry a gun without a very SPECIAL license.. some police are armed and generally not many people are killed by guns in a population of 60 million.. about 100 per year compared to the USA: 33,612 in 2014

The Earth is Round

GPS satellites aside, the flat earthers will tell you that the moon is projected hologram. what the f*ck is the sun then ? a million watt light bulb. They'll also tell you the milky way is a giant back projection and cassini didn't really explore saturn. I've seen Jupiters's moons with my own eyes and I've photographed deep space. I can tell you, the billions of stars which make up the disc of our galaxy. They are out there. The flat Earth theory is so ridiculous it makes me laugh.. it's designed to make you look stupid and cast a huge shadow of stupidity over those who choose to investigate a plethora of mysteriously off hidden truth. It's dark, very very dark

Thanks for weighing in. I think the big problem is that people have been lied to by the government so much and there are so many conspiracies that they simply can't distinguish between conspiracies any longer and have just capitulated and said that everything the government says is a lie.

They have some good points, and want science to be something that they can see with their own eyes, but then ignore all of the obvious ways we CAN see the earth is not flat with our own eyes and a bit of intelligence.

It really almost seems more like a cult. It's very strange.

my pleasure, as I said. As far I can see, the flat earth phenomena is a joke played on the conspiracy theorists in a cruel blow to speculative inquiry on the nature of truth. Science is a lot of ifs and buts. many theories are best guesses and are suitably replaced when someone comes up with a better explanation for a given mystery


are ironically channeling & misinterpreting the work of Edwin Abbott Abbott

in Flatland

our protagonist, the sphere, challenges the inhabitants of flatland that they are no more than 2D projections of a 3D world. When the sphere is asked could he not be a 3D projection of an object in the 4th dimension, he is insulted. I think we're nearer the truth of being the sphere here..and flatland was written in 1884

a million watt light bulb. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHah

Good post. What I simply don't get about flat earthers is... if there is a great conspiracy to hide the "truth" that the earth is flat, what would be the benefit? If the Earth really were flat, well... so it's flat. What benefit would there be to trying to cover this up?

So there is a good debate point. When I ask Flat-Earthers this, they usually can't answer it.

I find that arguing against people who hold strong beliefs usually doesn't work. It just makes them withdraw further into their beliefs. So such tactics are worthless and counterproductive. But asking questions about the foundations of their belief often does have some effect, if only to make them think about things and planting the seed of doubt in their mind.

They claim it's to hide God from us. I guess god can't make spheres for some reason that I'm unclear about. Alternatively, other claims are to control us, and to hide the land that is hidden past Antarctica that the elites are mining for profit as our expense... oh, and also to make us feel small and insignificant. Because somehow living on a flat plane under a dome makes us more significant...

Well, c'mon, spheres are difficult to make ;)

I think I would respond to the "they are hiding God from us" by using a similar argument to the one atheist make: If God is indeed God (and yknow, all-knowing) and if God is good, after death we will still be rewarded because we were prevented from knowing him and he knows that; if on the other hand God would punish us for being prevented from knowing him, he is evil and we are all screwed, the people who hid him and the people from whom he was hidden alike.

I understand the appeal of conspiracy theory. We all want to feel special, and the idea that we are privy to some secret knowledge makes us feel special. But the flat-earth thing is just silly.

Hah. I usually take a tactic of something like "Well, you must not have very much faith in your god if you think he couldn't create a spinning ball flying through space, and that in all of his incredible power and mystery that you think his creation must make logical sense to you. Perhaps he's testing your faith, and you are denying his creation."

Lol. They are pretty insane.

i'd be happy on a ball earth if that is what it is.

but something inside me told me there was something wrong... something wasn't right about the path of the sun. i kept watching it. i also found i loved the truman show. but didn't know why it resonated with me.

then, after all my conspiracy research, the one i'd never touched, didn't want to touch, seemed to ridiculous... then i freaked. got ridiculed for talking about it, even asking... just like with you, but in real life.

guess it makes me stronger, better able to stand for what i see regardless of what others around me say. i always take the good from anything.

peace brother, you know i love this world. i'm fighting/loving it to be a better place.

God is all things, there is nothing that is not God.

therefor you are a part of God. you cannot not be, there is nothing else.

the angry God of the bible is a lie. you will not be punished, all punishment comes at your own hand here and now for what you do here and now. when you die you will return to the source, to the all that is.

I understand the appeal of conspiracy theory. We all want to feel special,

you don't understand, it isn't a theory, i put it into practice. i trained myself to think different, and now i get different results... things that can't have been mere chance happen in my life all the time. but you wouldn't believe it, you'd just call me lucky. well it wasn't always this way for me.

free will . God gave you free will. God wants you to listen because you want to.

I think you should listen because God's way is joyful, fun, loving, kind, generous, forgiving..

the angry God of the bible doesn't exist, there is only peace and love.

ten commandments is misnamed. i see them now as things i would never do because it would cause injury to myself.

besides, just get your own, there is so much plenty on this bountiful earth... even with all the damage that has been done, but all can be reversed.

NASA takes in 17,647,000,000 in 2014 that is 48,000,000 a day.

that is just one reason.

What benefit would there be to trying to cover this up?

to hide God from you. make you feel small. instead of being on a small, hand made planet, you would be on a random collection of rocks, you would be an accident of existence, you life, your survival, always in doubt.

in this state you can be controlled.

if you know you are one with God, you are very hard to control.

I find that arguing against people who hold strong beliefs usually doesn't work.

super religious types frustrate everyone, because you can't argue with people that don't have the authority to decide for themselves what they believe, they defer to the church. best to let them be, free will and all, as long as they don't harm anyone else.

But asking questions about the foundations of their belief often does have some effect, if only to make them think about things and planting the seed of doubt in their mind.

that is what i'm doing. but beyond where you think you are. i'm sure i'll be changing too, given time, i don't claim to know it all, but humbly seek to be better than i was before, always forever.

peace, namaste

You can talk all you want, but you're obviously just a shill paid by the illuminati trying to ridicule the truth!!!!11!!!111one!!!``

What surprises me most is how many people seem to (want to) believe this stuff..

For a minute, I thought you were one of them! They really do say stuff like that! Hah.

Thanks so much for the list! My crazy brother-in-law believes it and so does a recent visitor to our house. It’s crazy! I will probably share this with him, but I can’t see him admitting that he is wrong. Upvoting and following

there are so many lies about what the flat earth people believe. these lies are spread maliciously, to protect the globe earth model. please consider looking into what they believe before you condemn it.

as a flat earth, might i recommend this wonderful video. REWIND IT TO SEE THE BEGINNING

it is so good you will need to rewind it to see the beginning because youtube never starts it from the beginning.

thanks kerriknox. this is an excellent post of just how big the conspiracy is. but i respectfully disagree on many points that you claim flat earthers believe.

and given the size, and the amount of money involved... you really think no one would be interested in doing it? NASA takes in 17,647,000,000 in 2014 that is 48,000,000 a day. that is just nasa. imagine all the guys leeching off this system.

i'm sure 99% of the people working for all those companies have no idea. compartmentalization is how we made the nuclear bomb (if we did, i kinda doubt it sometimes, given lack of fallout in hiroshima [they literally rebuilt the city immediately, and trees where growing... immediately... where was the fallout???]) but anyway, i digress. yes, i doubt everything, but God (and i doubted that for 28+ years before seeing patterns in my life i could not deny).

Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions.” - G. K. Chesterton (1930) mass belief and false consensus effect. everyone believes it so it must be true!

Every scientist around the world in the 500 years all the way back to Galileo

they studied it given an assumption, they didn't prove anything.

they found useful means of prediction, that is not proof of anything.

The image below shows that there are approximately 600,000 studies mentioning the curvature of the earth. According to flat earthers, every one of these was faked, or the scientists were lying.

santa claus 2.png

so does that mean santa claus is real too? just because you studied it doesn't mean it proves anything.

Every planetarium in the world

why? they just show the stars, the believe the ideas they have been told..

Every astronomer, Every astrophysicist

try to discuss the flat earth, they find they have no proof of a globe.. they aren't malicious, just didn't think they were being lied to. everything is so compartmentalized. that is the secret, only those that see the big picture are going to catch it, and then only if they are willing to go against everything they have been taught is truth (when it is just a theory) and be attacked by the conspirators. there are lots of people that did this, you don't hear about them because they lost their jobs.

that is how it is kept quiet. fear. you tried to do that to me.

Gyroscope manufacturers

well the guys that make the ones for the airplanes must know. talk to any pilot, ask if they pitch the nose of their planes down every few minutes to keep from gaining altitude... because that is what you'd need to do. but they don't... there are pilots joining flat earth as well.

Coriolis flow meter manufacturers

A mass flow meter, also known as an inertial flow meter is a device that measures mass flow rate of a fluid traveling through a tube. The mass flow rate is the mass of the fluid traveling past a fixed point per unit time.

what? explain how this is relevant..

All geodetic surveyors

why all? just the top folks, the rest use equipment.

All theodolite manufacturers

A theodolite is a precision instrument for measuring angles in the horizontal and vertical planes. Theodolites are used mainly for surveying applications, and have been adapted for specialized purposes such as meteorology and rocket launch.

even if used for rocket launch, does it need to be rigged to work as if a globe earth?

Creators of theodolite app

why? they just use the hacked data from the gps. gps works, somehow, but not as we think it does.

All globe manufacturers

you are really reaching here.


most likely. they now censor their results making it harder to find non-main stream media content. they pull videos from youtube all the time. if you get into controversial issues you'll find this happening more.

All GPS manufacturers

they just make the parts. most of it is as it appears, but the how is not.

All satellite manufacturers

yup. there is this video of a crashed satellite in brazil with a balloon attached

All satellite dish cable companies

the higher ups would probably know. the rest have no idea.

They believe you can actually just point these satellite dishes anywhere and you'll receive the ground-based signals just fine.

no they don't. we believe balloons, high altitude drones... all means of accomplishing the same thing. also could bounce it off the dome.

Just about everyone on the internet who takes the time to explain an error to a flat earther (they are all paid shills)

nope. just a guy that found a way to live life as minimalistically as possible to support the life i've chosen.

Anyone who has been to Antarctica, The people who installed all the live stream cameras in Antarctica

no one said antarctica isn't there, what we do say is it is a border to our world.

The sailors who have circumnavigated Antarctica

it is a ring around us. why couldn't you travel around the edge of the ring?

Any HAM radio operator who claims to have bounced a signal off the ionoshere to get around the curvature of the earth

no one said the ionosphere isn't there.

The HAM radio operators who claim to have bounced radio signals off the moon to measure it's distance from the earth

no one said the moon isn't there.


deal with the air in the atmosphere. when are they going to bump into this? of course the false size/shape of earth would screw up their predictions... perhaps that is why they are so bad at it. lol

Doppler radar manufacturers

again, why? non issue with shape of earth

Manufacturers and users of equatorial mount telescopes

why? the sky is clearly moving... no one is arguing that.

Anyone who has done a time lapse photo or video of the moon or sun that showed it staying the same size

flat earthers believe the sun and moon are exactly the same size. that is why eclipses work. ever follow the path of an eclipse? it is what started all this for me, the path on globe earth didn't make sense. but it does on a flat earth model, it is a perfect ring.

Everyone with a YouTube Channel or blog that debunks flat earth

bring the proof. but honestly you lost me here, what are you even saying?

Most media outlets

are you saying they are for or against?

Long distance shooters and snipers

because why? i saw one video claiming they had to adjust for the spin. one. i'd need more information on this one. then i'd need a study. because i don't trust the military to give me the truth.

Satellite phone, movie, and internet providers

well, they 'put a satellite up' do they really know how it is done? or are they just given access to the system in place and sold the lie that they actually put their own satellite (balloon or whatever is there) up there?

It just seems to me that if your belief system hinges on a conspiracy this large and that everyone who disagrees with you is a paid shill, well, you should probably reevaluate your belief system

jeepers, the government has never lied to me before /s

The Occam's Razor answer for the shape of the earth, it is not.

i'd say it is clearly in favor of a flat earth.

things you didn't bring up>>>
ship disappearing 'below horizon' reappears with zoom
chicago skyline across lake michigan
sun rays spread out they'd be straight down if the sun was really so far away.
where is the curve?

don't accept what you are given, decide for yourself.

Your post was hidden due to low ratings!? I guess the flat earth shills are in full force

Yep. I'm being ganged up on and downvoted with threats that my account is dust.


Trying to seee if steemitabuse can do anything about it. but I've obviously been flagged by their echo chamber crew and they aren't happy about it.

they're pissed that I kept flagging one guy because he kept making unsupported claims and logical fallacies and asked him to debate honestly or I'd flag him. . They obviously think that no debate using facts and reason is necessary so long as you get to spew your nonsense so that everyone can see it.

you flagged me. you ruined my reputation.. it went from 36 to 11, just in talking to you.

you threatened me with downvotes. you told me to stop talking. i did it anyways, because no, i will not back down. and now i see steemit is a place where your way isn't tolerated. THANK GOD.

my comment in your thread you claim i didn't give stay on topic

claim you did nothing, but, thank god, the blockchain can't be erased.

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It is fairly bizarre that all these truthers believe in this flat earth shit! The only way I can even think it's got any truth is for me to completely believe in a matrix type theory. Which I'm open too but thousands of miles away from believing in.

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Good post, I am a photographer, it passes for my blog and sees my content, I hope that it should be of your taste, you have my vote :D greetings

Nature has a grand design and has perfect balance. So they'd have to prove all the other planets are flat as well. the sun too. that just doesnt make sense with gravitational pull and revolution of moons and planets, sun rising in the east and setting.. and gee yea were all lying...more like who's paying them to say the world is flat?
What do flat earthers get out of this?
I dont speak the best english here or the smartest but I can definitely rationalize the earth is round.

Hey, I just found you. 9 days too late to upvote. I wish I could. But following you now for a breath of logic vs. the flat-heads and all other conspiracy nuts.
Yes, I am trying to help. I recently took to task one of them.

Actually, looking back at that post, it was you I was replying to . Ha!

Anyway, following you now.

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I am new here, but saw your involvement in another 'conspiracy' and followed you over to your blog to see what happened that your Reputation was 1.@kerriknox

I surely hope it wasn't this post that did it. Are there many flat earthers on Steemit?

Anyway, haven't looked any further back... just that this was your last post, and it was a month old.

So.... hope it wasn't this post that caused it.
Take care

Well that certainly sounds reasonable. Lol.

Love your work on this series. 😎🙏

I do not believe in flat earth, but I also do not believe we have been to space. I do believe that NASA is behind flat earth to try to attach flat earth with space deniers. They are doing a good job of that.