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RE: FunnyMemoriesChallenge WEEK 2-Introducing week 1 winners (4 Weeks 500SP Delegation+ free sbd to be won)

in #contest7 years ago

So years ago I would ride my bike to and from work. My bike was my ride, i rode it no matter the weather. So after work one night, roughly 1am. It was teeth clenching, man it's cold kinda night. I was riding through downtown providence, and I began to notice an unusual number of homeless people sleeping with blankets and carboard boxes. I had a dollar to my name, and had already given my employee meal away. So I'm deep in thought, while still riding. As I'm was approaching the convention center. I notice a few more, particularly one sleeping directly in front of the main entrance to the Convention center. The lights were making him especially noticeable. My thoughts still reflecting on the situation. Suddenly the wind lifts up the sleeping gentleman's carboard box, and the light was now reflecting off of his pale white butt cheeks as the carboard waved above his naked body as his backside faced me. My jaw dropped. I almost side swiped the curb, hypnotized in disbelief. The nose between my bewildered eyes was numb from the cold. I argued with myself, "Nah those are tighty whities". Then I laughed when I realized I was wrong. His clothes were neatly folded by his side.


Lol...Wow! You've participated. Really sweet

¿Was your mind deceived by vision?

I doubted what I saw till I was close enough to realize I couldn't deny it lol


lol funny question