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RE: Bamboozled's Bamboo Contest: Win 5 Steem Basic Income Shares!

in #contest6 years ago

Just wrote a story related to bamboo on the spot:-
A robber came to a bank with a gun to rob it. He shot to the sky! 'Bam! Boo! Bam! Boo!'
Everyone heard the 'BamBoo' sound from the gun. Everyone was terrified and hope that a hero would come to save them. In an instant, @bamboozled appeared out of nowhere. @bamboozled took a bamboo stick and gave a big wave. The robber suddenly became a panda and bamboo is all the panda needs now. Everyone was happy and cheer for their hero, @bamboozled.

Hope you enjoy reading it just for fun. Cheers for @bamboozled hero with the 5 shares of SBI.


woah, very nice and charming! Valid entry.