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RE: STACH Short Story Contest #24: 199 words, 5 winners, 15SBD prize pool!

in #contest6 years ago

Tade sat down in his car wondering the fortunate event that happened to him just now after he dropped the call. He has just gotten a contract worth million after he had given up on it already. He has gone from being a giver to almost a beggar, He had lost everything he worked for with just a simple decision.
Two month ago, a friend introduced a business idea to him, he was impressed and happy about the profits to be made if it comes through. They planned to come up with the capital together and share the proceedings. A month ago, he put up with all his savings and got a loan from his bank. He called his friend and gave him his own part of the capital, two weeks ago, they learnt that they have been duped.
The bank has been on his neck since he had passed the due time to pay back. They had promised to confiscate his house if he did not come up with the money soon.
Now, he was relieved he would pay up. All Is Not Lost after all, he thought.