The Information Finding Championship - Why You Should Join Newbie! - My entry to @malloryblythe 24 SBD of SBI Shares Contest

in #contest6 years ago

Contest Time!

This is an entry to @malloryblythe's first ever contest! She is doing the ultimate pay it forward of pay it forwards by sharing her payout from her recent @curie'd post which you can find here.

A blurb from her contest post:

I’m delighted to announce that I am holding my first ever contest, and I’m going big.

I’ve decided that I’m going to give away all of the SBD I was given from the vote in #steembasicincome form, in honor of the two projects that helped me as a newbie: @curie and @newbieresteemday.

You can find the official rules from the post here.

Here is my Entry!

I have decided to choose:

Tell us about one or more projects that every newbie should know about.

There are many great projects out there that every newbie should know about! Most deal with providing upvotes, resteems, encouragement, community support, and the works, which are all FANTASTIC! But, I believe that the following can provide a great benefit in many ways, especially to newbies! Contests are found all over the place in steemit and they are certainly a GREAT start for newbies to gain experience and some account value! The following contest is one of the reasons I stuck around this platform. So, if it helped me, I'm sure it can help others too! Without further ado!

Welcome to Our Digital Castle!

The Information Finding Championship

Art Created by: @yeszuzia


We call it @ifc for short and it is a contest created by the dreamer @apolymask where contestants battle for the best information they can provide! The information is then judged and voted who is the best. This is an on going battle between characters of the world. Along the way you may even earn XP(experience points), artifacts and relics of unspeakable value! And the grand prize for Season 1 is 158 STEEM! We do encourage role playing if you like that too!

Every week two contest rounds (quests) are published. Each round is different and unique in their very own ways! What's great about this contest is "content creation." We encourage you to release your creativity on the subject matter asked. From word challenges to UFO's, the subject of each round is unique in its own way!

Being new, one of the most difficult things is what the hell to write about! How about while you think about that, join in on one of the open rounds and get your content creating experience going! These rounds give you something to write about, and you might win! The community that has evolved over season 1 is VERY supportive and you most likely will receive upvotes for your entries too! It's a win win! Entry to a contest and getting experience writing posts while not stressing if upvotes are coming in!

One thing I learned when I first started was to interact with other steemians! The IFC provides a great community just for that! I invite you to our world in discord and see for yourself! You can also find links at @ifc for updates and the entries being submitted for examples! Click here for officials rules.

I'l leave you with this link to our weekly update:
Open Rounds!

I know not much time to enter! But as of this post we are looking for our first entry to round 35! This can be your chance to win a round and maybe qualify for the Championship Tournament which will include the top 16 participants!

The Marketplace

Over the course of the season The Marketplace was created within our community! The Marketplace is a place for Steemians to provide services and products for sale! (hint* some are even for free!) This marketplace can be found at the ifc discord as well if you are interested! There are many "shops" up already! You can read our weekly flyer here.

I hope to see some new faces in the @ifc! We like thinking out of the box and getting people out of their comfort zones! It makes for great content creation! If you have any questions you can find me in discord @iexplore or ask in the ifc discord someone will do there best to answer!

Your Information Truly Enlightens the World!

Original art created by @yeszuzia & modified by @charisma777

Keep Exploring!.jpg

Fresh Fields.png

Communities You May be Interested In:
Information Finding Championship - @ifc Discord

Image modified by @charisma777
Newbie Resteem Day - #newbieresteemday
Newbiegames - #newbiegames
Asapers - #asapers
Pay it Forward - @thedarkhorse


I'm glad you took time to recommend @apolymask's game @ifc! I agree with you that great games like this are reasons why people feel that they are part of a community here on steemit... It will get bigger and stronger over time too! You will remember one day with pride and say "I was there when this first started" ... that is very cool! Happily upvoted, resteemed, and I also dropped a bot bid for you for another $1 upvote or more!

Thanks for entering @iexplore!

Yes! Look now he is on to round 35!...Seems crazy to sustain it that long! It goes to show the community involved really helps make it a great contest to be a part of! And I haven't seen much of anything else like it on Steemit! Season 1 continues to be pretty epic and I am sure there will be great surprises for Season 2!

Thanks for the upvote, much appreciated! :)

You're welcome... I think you found a major game to be a part of and you and the group will look very fondly of this in the future! Congrats on that too :)

I am keeping a very close eye on this. I need to get a wee bit better at time management, especially where Steemit is concerned. I just may get my act together and manage to get into the season 2 games.

Whenever you get time, go ahead a jump in on a round! There are currently 3 open rounds right now! I'll link them below. But I hope to see you in this season if not definitely in Season 2!

Round 36
Round 37
Round 38


Side Quests:
Hangman Steemit Style
The Wally Test No. 2 Only on day left though!

See you around thanks for stopping by!

Hive Bee trail comment.jpg Vote

Awesome and good luck on winning the contest @iexplore. I truly think this is a great one for newbies. Since our community is pretty active and help with upvotes right away which can really help keep a newbie on the platform rather then giving up right away if they're aren't getting much interaction on their posts. If thats due to guidance, not understanding the site or whatever it is. I think @IFC is an awesome community for new members on Steemit to get a good understanding of how things work and maybe even make their own shop in the marketplace if they have something to sell!

Again good luck!!

Absolutely!! I can understand some contests to be intimidating and the @ifc could be towards newbies, but it really is an awesome community and a GREAT way to get started writing posts that will get attention! And the marketplace is such a "hidden" gem within the community too!!

Not a hidden gem for long! I love when people join the discord and they say I've heard so much about IFC cool hearing that haha!

Me too!! We've been seeing that a lot lately! A great feeling to have! It's good to see that!

You got a 3.35% upvote from @emperorofnaps courtesy of @davemccoy!

Want to promote your posts too? Send 0.05+ SBD or STEEM to @emperorofnaps to receive a share of a full upvote every 2.4 hours...Then go relax and take a nap!

@apolymasks #InformationFindingChannel and the IFC contests have become something of an addiction for me. The posts I write for these contests get more attention than my other posts do and I feel that my writing style and abilities are growing throughout my entries.

Good luck @iexplore. You have my vote.

It is addicting isn't it! I am glad to see you growing! You are doing great! Keep it up! And thanks!

Hive Hive Bomb Comment.png Vote

Hey @iexplore.... I'm thinking you're the person behind the rock shop over at IFC? If so, any idea what this rock might be?IMG_20180522_201729396.jpgIMG_20180522_201727762.jpgIMG_20180522_201749946.jpg

Cool! Looks like Malachite...Ironically my son just broke my tumbled malachite the other day by accident..:(

Here's what I've had suggested so far that might be it: may be calcite on conichalcite from Ojuela mine, Mapimi,Mexico, matrix-limonite. Rosasite. Brochantite. And Urananite. It looks so different from the other malachite I have. Hmmm

Hmm...I've sent the picture to my rock shop friend. They will get back to me in the morning. I will let you know what they think.

Cool!! Tyty!! Cause I need to know what it is before I make Jewelry with it. 😕😊

Here's the response I got:

I showed them to Jim and he's not 100% on what it is.
From the photos he said it might be Malachite with Calcite over top but he's not sure.
Are you close by? If you could bring it in to the shop he could take a look at it with the loop and possibly tell you for sure.
Have a good night.

I'm guessing you are not close by...hehe. If you have a local shop to take it to they probably can help. FYI this guy has been running his shop for over 50 years...They are family owned and run, great people! :) Sorry I couldn't help more! If you do find out what it is, please let me know, I'm curious!

I got it at one of my two local rock shops lol. They are both new at the whole rock thing, and we're clueless! Lol. There is a small rock show coming up tho and I'm gonna ask there! 😉