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RE: Steem Basic Income Giveaway (LEAST Favourite food....)

in #contest5 years ago

I am saddened by your dislike. More cheese for me, though. Food that I don't like? I've begun to dislike food that has too little taste for the quantity. Like a poorly made pasta. I love pasta, but if it's, like, a bland artificial mac and cheese... like the kind that gets made for kids... blech.


Have the cheese! Have it all!

Yes, over the last few years, we've moved towards eating less, but eating better quality. Somehow, it makes eating less of a chore and more interesting!

Our kids like helping to make pasta, and they have a nice brocoli/cheese/anchovy sauce that they are quite fond of!

You can find the winners and the new SBI contest (Inner Demons...) here: