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RE: STACH Short Story Contest #24: 199 words, 5 winners, 15SBD prize pool!

in #contest6 years ago

This Sunday,21st June, is a special one, it's my birthday. so excited, got out of bed early to prepare for church. I played the saxophone with tears while thanking God for the past years.
After the service and wishes, I realize I got no foodstuffs. Nothing at all. Broke undergraduate life.
I sat down alongside my Broke church friends. Then one said "let's go to my hostel, I'll feed you guys. I dressed up ready to go,then i asked what he was going to cook and he said beans. That alone demoralised the other guys.
But because hunger dey,no choice. I said I wasn't going,not because I had an option or I wasn't hungry.
Anyways, they left,i was too broke to even get pure water. I said a word of prayer and slept off. Around 6pm,a knock came from my door, it was the girl I've been asking out. She actually brought me dinner, Moi-moi (steamed beans pudding).mehn.....i devoured! Not only did I get a yes and a Kiss that night, my friends came back hungry and savoured the remaining wraps.