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RE: STACH Short Story Contest #24: 199 words, 5 winners, 15SBD prize pool!

in #contest6 years ago

All Is Not Lost

I find it hard believing that its been three years since my husband died. You see, we were a happy family,with two daughters and a son and Tobi's business doing great. Life was good.
It all changed on a day I've come to hate when a stray bullet from a robbery scene hit him. Within two hours, he died, leaving me to face the aftermath.
Up until then, I was getting on marvellously well with his family. But barely three months after Tobi died they had succeeded in chasing me and my children out of my marital home. I left with only what I had saved, to start a new life.
Things are slightly better now. I have a supermarket and with the proceeds, I'm sponsoring my two daughters in the university studying Medicine and Law. Junior just finished primary school too with a brilliant result. When I look at my kids, I'm assured that I've still got hope.
All is not lost.