Win 500 Steem Power for 4 weeks in my Get Shit Done Contest

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

Win 500 Steem Power for 4 weeks in my Get Shit Done Contest

To set the mood for my upcoming Workflow Series I want to run a contest and see what you guys are doing.

What is this contest about?

If you haven't read about my up coming worfkflow series, let me explain. I am a big student of efficiency and automation, and there are a lot of tools I use on a day to day basis that makes my life easier and more efficient. I've mentioned some of them a few times on calls and during discussions with other members. I've been asked a few times for more information about them. I plan on writing up a post focusing on each one in detail. I will explain why I use it, the problem it solves and how to go about making the most out of it. If this sounds interesting, follow me so you know when it gets released.

This contest is simple, but you are going to hate it and that is a good thing!

I once read a book from Brian Tracy called "Eat That Frog" (if you haven't read it, I highly suggest you do. It's very short). One of the key ideas from the book is simple.

“If you have to eat two frogs, eat the ugliest one first."

The meaning is simple. If you have a lot of shit to do, pick the thing you dread most and do it. Once you do, everything else will be simple and the dread in your head will be gone and you will find flow. Flow is a state of mind when you have eliminated distractions and work at insane efficiency. Any writer, programmer, musician will know this state perhaps not by name. So that's what I want you to do!

Find something you have to do, but you have been putting aside because you don't want to do it. Something big, that will make a large impact on your life. Do it, get it out of the way and let us know about it. How did you feel after ward?

Resteem this post so we can get as many people involved as possible. Upvote the post with all your might, bigger posts means bigger rewards! What's the thing you can do today that will move you in the direction of your goals but you haven't done this because it's too hard? Do it, do it now! Make a comment letting us know you participating. Provide an update of your comment when you are finished. What you do? Got pics? Has it helped you? How you feel?

My favorite response will be delegated 500 Steem Power for 4 Weeks. Second place will win 75 Whaleshares, and finally, third place will win 25 Whaleshares.

I will make a new post posting the results and highlighting my favorite responses, so make sure you are following me or checking back often. The contest will end one week from today, Wednesday morning September 20th.

The Prizes

First Place 500 Steem Power Delegation for 4 week
Second Place 75 Whaleshares
Third Place 25 Whaleshares

The real prize is getting the weight off your shoulders and the renewed focus you gain by clearing a large obstacle on your path to your goals. Incentives don't hurt though.

Shout out to @akrid and for the donation of Whaleshares for winners.

Image Sources: 1 2 3

Build A Whale-small.png



Please vote for me as a witness here


Well I have a work in progress that I have been doing it started about seven months ago but it was something I have been putting off for a decade this is awesome though and I'm glad to see you doing a contest to help motivate people I upvoted and resteemed for the great idea and I also followed you hope to see more great stuff like this

Dude this is awesome! Pushing people to always find that inner strength! Love it brother- Ive decided after sitting on it for a while to begin two different projects.

First is the Gaming community, as there seems to be no huge community on steemit for gaming yet.

Second is the new satirical/humorous news show Aristobrats Hourly (may be renaming. weighing pros and cons)

Hope all is well @themarkeymark

This reminds me of the Naval Officer who gave a commencement speech at the University of Texas a few years ago. There is a video out there somewhere of it. The gist of it was to start your day by making your bed. By doing so you have accomplished your first task of the day. With the first task over you now have the confidence to conquer the rest before you that day. If the day goes bad you will always come home to a nice made bed. Look for the video everyone it is quite special.

awesome contest. have resteemed - i would like to enter this...lets see if i can make time

this is a really terrific idea for a contest. Now I just have to think about what is the ugliest frog in my life. I will be back once I figure that out and eat it! Definitely following you for the upcoming workflow series. Cheers - Carl (gnashster)


This is my first contest, so bear with me. I'm excited to see what you guys do!

So I've named my frogs. As I understand the rules of the game, a frog must be: something I don't routinely do, something that will move me forward towards a big goal, and something I am avoiding/procrastinating.

There are many small frogs but three big ones. They are:

  1. clean the house (sounds routine, but it isn't, and therin lies the problem),
  2. relaunch Whole Self In, and
  3. write the org chart and job descriptions for my aikido dojo which I recently inherited.

I had to sit with my frogs a while. They squirm. Clean The House kept clamoring to go first, so I had to ask about the cost of commitment. If I clean first, when will I do the other things? What will be the cost of delay? Then I noticed Dojo Org Chart hiding in the back. The fattest and wartiest of all. The one I tell myself I don't know how to do, or don't have time to do, because I'm afraid of the response from existing team members.

The funny thing about ignoring a frog is, it becomes your natural state. You get used to ignoring it, and its hard to even see that it's there.

OK, I have swallowed one frog. I feel like I just swallowed one, too. It laid baby frogs and I'm gonna have to deal with them, but they ought to be easier. For example, I need to type my hand-scrawled org chart into a readable format and share it with my team, and more importantly I need to write the job descriptions for both the jobs already being done and the ones I'd like people to do.
org chart draft.jpg
The image might show why this is a frog for me. Two red dots indicates I do the job entirely in my business. One red dot means I have help, but things still tend not to get done without me. No wonder I feel like I have no time!

Oh! I almost forgot to thank @themarkymark too. Thank you bro for believing in this community, and providing ur quota to make it grow. The newbies appreciates you more.

This is an awesome contest.

resteem and upvote.... Check!!

Resteemed, love the idea. I will do my best to make it in time!

I have done it! I dedicated most of the day to the cleaning of the ugliest and most ignored giant banana cluster on the farm, and most of the night writing the article and uploading pictures. We achieved flow! And everybody on the farm got involved, check it out here:

Thanks for the motivation!

That's procrastination speaking, you got a week, you can do it!

Yes! I will eat that ugly toad!

My farm is my largest and ugliest frog. As a jobless graduate, i decided to take up a family business which is farming. I find it hard to do because it is very stressful and i have to do it everyday. Most times it takes 10hrs from me everyday. I still eat the frog cos i have to, if i want to survive.





All images are mine and it was taken with infinix hot 4

You can read more about my activities daily on my farm HERE

The second frog is steemit. After working on a my farm almost throughout a day. I still find time to come on steemit. I try to keep up with original contents and i also try to keep in touch with my fellow steemians

Challenge accepted, and thank you. I have so many frogs to choose from, I am not even sure which to eat first. Will check first thing in the morning and see which frog is biggest.

Holy Shit 💩 It's Done!

Here are the before and after shots

....and here is the link to MY POST

Ok. I'm IN. I've resteemed and I've got my task. Gonna go ahead and say it before I allow myself to change my mind. I'm going to organize my "office" which is actually an office of craft supplies. It's a freaking mess. I'm already blabbing because I'm dreading it so. Bleh.

Before and After pics!

Will do! Tomorrow is my goal day!

I'm currently procrastinating this chore with other chores 🙃

Okay, I did it. I really, really, really didn't want to do it, but I did. I updated my website. I know it does not sound like much of a chore to most but to me it is grueling because I'm not so good with code and web design. Here's what I covered: Added product tabs, reorganized content, added visual banners, edited product descriptions, put an item on sale, added content to a section that I was dreading, proofed all pages for typos, and had two friends review the content for user experience. Ugh. It took me 3.5 hours, plus time talking to UX reviewers. How do I feel now that it is done? Proud, relieved, and tired! But I do feel better about my content, and I'm glad it is behind me. Thanks for the motivation to finally get off my butt and do it!

Got before and after pics?

It never occured to me to take a before picture, but I am happy to send you the URL to the site.

It's fine, just cool to see what people have done.

@themarkymark ,i haved upvoted, followed you and made you a witness and resteemed your post..i really want to participate in this contest but i am a bit unclear about how i am going to write about my actions do i post here? Btw i am starting a restaurant along with som partners.and there is a whole lot of things to be done.and the ugliest frog to eat would be the bathroom renovation....iam already working on it...ill post pictures of the renovation...i hope thats ok

Thanks for the vote!

Pictures before and after are awesome, but not everything can be expressed in pictures. Some times the largest ugliest frog is not physical, for example, I recently had to tie into Town Septic. I know all the bids are gouging, as they are twice the price the town said I should expect. Out of 60 numbers, only 2 called back, I hunted down 2 more off the list. All the options sucked, so I kept putting it off as it was ridiculously expensive but would cost a lot more if I waited. So I decided and got it done. It sucked, but I no longer keep waiting up feeling like shit about making the decision. I have moved on and feel a big sense of relief.

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by Malcom Reynolds from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, someguy123, neoxian, followbtcnews/crimsonclad, and netuoso. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows and creating a social network. Please find us in the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.

OK. In that case, I've won the first prize.
Steemers pls make that happen. Thank you

Also, big shout out to @whaleshares . Thanks for the encouragement and helping to make this platform grow daily

Automation is cool, I won't participate, sorry, I made my big deal, wrote about expo on steemit and that's it, no big deals, only homework and university...

you want our experience written up in the comments yea? and how many words you want to read?

Whatever it takes to talk about it.

Very original contest! I'm looking forward for seeing all the submissions :D

Make sure yours is in there!

i like ur post now follow you

This post has received a 0.52 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

This post received a 2% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @themarkymark! For more information, click here!

This has great motivational potential. I guess my study homeworks of 25 pages are just too boring and german to participate. I will find a more interesting task if there is a next contest maybe. :)
Upvoted and resteemed anyway. I really like the idea.


Got to be something other than routine. Do something big that will move you to your goals.

Hm, so laundry doesnt count. Got it.

I finally done this, hehe!

I completed this article for suesa's science challenge.

This is so easy for me, early this year we bought 1.53 acres of land and just over 1/4 of the acres is woods that is overgrown with invasive Japanese Honeysuckle. It is a really big job that we have been procrastinating for months. Finally because we are on a deadline to get our house built we have started clearing away some of the overgrowth. We have a large grove and a small grove, we started with the smaller grove first we still have a bunch to do, but we have gotten started. Here let me show you what I mean.

This is what it looks like now.

It doesn't look like the same spot anymore and we had to cut down a dead tree and a couple of other invasive ones. But it feels really good to have that done. Next spring we will be planting new trees to replace the ones that had to come down.
I actually made a post on the clearing of the land a few days ago you can find all the details here. Happy Steeming.
P.S. it has helped me because now there is less work to do and now I can use that part of my land before you couldn't

I now have all my bases covered. Upvoted, Resteemed, accomplished posted.

old and gold

old and gold