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RE: Bunnypuncher Daily contest has ended thank you everyone. The bunny has been broken :(

in #contest6 years ago

@adm is generally not an account that would flag without good cause. I will see if someone is willing to discuss the flag with you if I can locate the person who did the flagging. The account is used by several people to protect the chain from spam/scams.


Thank you. I will be happy to work with people to clear up the issue. I just don’t like the fact there was no warning, no comment on what the issue is, and no way to contact anyone. I hope I’m not considered a scammer or spammer but who know?

They can have it I'll just stop posting and steem will lose bunnypuncher not that anyone probably cares.

It seems your faith in @adm voting for cause might be misplaced if you do a little google searching. And I would work with anyone who didn't like what I was doing. I'm normally pretty reasonable if asked to change something that was offending or hurting someone I would do it. If there was just cause I would change my behavior to work toward the greater good. Can the same be said about those running this blacklist?