TRAVEL PRO PRICE IS RIGHT GAME! #8: Fresh Ground Coffee- Kiev Ukraine (play and win steem!)

in #contest6 years ago (edited)



Simply guess the price of the item recently purchased in the given location. The contestant who comes closest wins one steem token.

Leave your guess in the comments in US dollars. The correct price and the winner will be announced and sent their prize the following week.


Location: Kiev Ukraine

Item: Fresh Ground Coffee 250g

Thanks for playing!

Last week's Winner: @phortun who guessed 0.35 USD Congratulations!
Kiev Ukraine, Rye Bread 400g - Kiev Ukraine = 0.34 USD

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Photo Credit: World Travel Pro!

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7.25 USD

Here in Argentina, an equivalent bag of coffee would run around 180-200 pesos, which is about 6-7 USD, with the peso now at 31+ to the dollar, but Argentina is very close to several prominent coffee-producing nations (e.g. Colombia & Brazil). Coffee in Ukraine, well, the nearest coffee-producing countries are in East Africa, so I'm guessing it's at least as much, if not more. The estimates of like 3 Euros have got to be way low...

Love the insight. That's what makes this game an international educational delight! Thanks for playing! -Dan

Dan - actually that quote of the dollar at 31+ was from yesterday. Today's word is that if you are buying dollars on the street, like on Florida street downtown, they will cost you 33 pesos each. The Argentine peso is in freefall, and the Macri government has completely lost control.

Remember that 50 billion loan they got from IMF last month? Apparently they've already spent or embezzled it all, because they just sent Dujovne, the Minister of the Treasury, back to the IMF to ask for another 3 billion USD. Another example of why my ongoing series of blogposts is entitled "Cry for Argentina", as unoriginal as that may be.

Yeah, I was there back in May time frame and I believe it was around 25. I heart goes out to all those from Argentina. This is probably one of if not my favorite country in South America. Better diversity into USD now, Gold, and Bitcoin to preserve your wealthy. So sorry that this is happening. I'll go check out your series now.

$3.18 😊

So far you're our star contestant with two wins! lol Thanks for playing Gill!

Excellent. Long may it continue @world-travel-pro. I love the Steem prize.

Thank you very much. It's a very nice surprise to find it in my wallet. 😁

Many more wins to come for the Great Travel Pro Price is Right Contestant @gillianpearce!

Ok, let's say

3.50 USD

My favorite coffee is from Panama. :)


Yes, they have great coffee there indeed! Thanks for playing Margaret!

3,29 €

Thanks for playing but next time please leave price in USD :)

3,59 €

Thanks for playing but next time please leave the price in USD :)