Garlic shrimp...

in #cooking6 years ago

(1) medium shrimp 500 g
(2) lemon juice 2 table spoons
(3) paprika quasi teaspoon
(4) salt taste
(5) butter two tablespoons
(6) Oil 2 tablespoons of oil
(7) 2 tablespoons of garlic cloves
(8) Red chilli powder is 2
(9) Sugar 1 teaspoon


Wash the shrimp and clean it with a towel. Put 1 table spoon of lemon juice, paprika and 1 pinch of salt in a bowl serving it. Take a little bit of roasted black pepper and fry them with a paste. Now take a little bit of water with a little bit of water. Pour the fish on a thick sauce. Now bake in the heat of 15 to 20 minutes in the preheated oven for 200 degrees Celsius. Serve hot with Fried Rice or Poloors....