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RE: EXISTENCE of Steem and Steemit UNDER THREAT - Hollywood Blockbusters Published by Steemians on Steem and Steemit

This is horrible. This is my suggestion of what we can do to stop this before it gets too far;

We could create a Discord channel, consisting of whales and other Steemians that are fighting for the continuity of Steemit. Then any of the posts that are seen plagiarizing or flouting copyright laws will be shared there.

As a manner of checks and balances, after its been shared, it needs the go-ahead of 3 whales/moderators, and then its off to the downvote races!

It might be a lot of work, but if we all band together and push this initiative, then we can discourage and ultimately stop these people before they destroy what we love.


I like your thinking, great some kind of team. Fact around this chinflix thing is that some whales places counter votes against the flags, and then I'm talking about whales that are generally doing good stuff on Steemit wrt flagging. There arguments is very simple. IP/Copyright laws are shit. They also can say: DTube, Steem is doing nothing wrong, the uploader/publishers is, so it his choose to do so (anarchist thinking).

I guess they can just be straight up asked if they're willing to actually go against what's being done.

IMHO, I'd hate if someone stole my blood, sweat and tears and proceeded to give it out for free or even make profit off of it, so I'm fully behind copyright laws.

And as for anarchism, lol, I'm kind of a fan of law and order, being a law student and all 😂😂

I guess they can just be straight up asked if they're willing to actually go against what's being done.

I did ask straight up this question to 1) the creator and owner of DTube and 2) a whales who upvoted (he told me that it is the decentralised world, and he never answered my question for the exact reasons for the upvote 1) to counter the downvotes 2) not only to counter the downvotes but also to give it rewards...I actually still think it is option 1 since I know this whale usually very fair downvoting all sort of stuff on Steemit what is clear abuse). Now it also seems the creator of DTube, opened an new account at Steemit uploading copyright Hollywood owned materials. This is not chainflix, but yet another account. Discovered that today only.